Administration > Server Move and Outage Reports

So I'm going to guess that .Net is no more. It was a slow death.

(1/6) > >>

Sad to see it go so badly and in the way it did.

Dave, we have always liked you but your comment hits below the belt.

Go sit in your corner.

cgn dot net is not dead, although it is nonfunctional at the moment. When it returns, we may not like the look of any new forum software interface but those things are streamlined to the point where you'd think you wound up in some preschool somewhere. They look horrible. I hope I'm wrong but TheHighRoad and Marlin Owners suffered similar fates.

As to when? we might see a renewed cgn? Who the heck knows. For our Fearless Leader, the Kezzy-boo (lol fighterpilot) found themselves in a perfect storm of having their great forum on an aging-but-still-functioning (and good-looking) vBulletin forum software platform, a server host that all of a sudden wanted to bail out of the business, a server change (last year, when the apostrophe problems appeared) and/or some Tapatalk b.s... a death in the immediate family... all at once.

We're willing to work with that. It's a little late to point fingers so let's just look forward to any new calguns dot net.

And you're still alright w/ me.

Calguns is People.

People is Calguns.

sealocans clone:
Bluto: What?!?


 Did you say 'over'?!?

 Nothing is over until we decide it is!!!

Was it over when Big Pimping photo bombed us with extremely mature Golden-girls look alikes?!?

Hell no!!!

It ain't over now!

Cause when the goin' gets tough,

 the tough get goin'!

Who's with me?

Let's go!

Come on!...

(*Runs out the front door but no one follows him.)


wha????? i thought it's temporarily not available due to migration? wha???????


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