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Messages - D-M

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Sorry, but FRAT

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Wheel Balance Questions
« on: April 26, 2024, 08:16:46 PM »
Unfortunately, I'm not a Costco member, so I'd need to go with someone who is.

There are no marks on the tires or rims, so my guess is she hit a pothole and tossed a weight. Lord knows there are more potholes than smooth asphalt around here.

Where are you located? If you're not too far I'll walk you in.

Awe I've been call much worse, from far better ::)

Screen name checks out.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: CG.NET ?
« on: April 25, 2024, 11:21:55 AM »
i'll start to worry after 6 months.

It's been over 18 (roll eyes)

6 months from the start of migration.

Which should have started over 18 months ago.

I'll say this... It's been handled pretty poorly thus far, but I've seen worse. At least the owner is providing updates and seems to now be trying to get his ducks in a row.

All that being said, I've yet to see a full site migration go 100%  smoothly. The ones that went mosy okay were because the people in charge had a fair amount of technical knowledge and were not shy about accepting help that was offered. This hasn't been that, from what I've seen.

There's still a chance it gets pulled off, but come mid-May, if it's up and running, it'll be glitch city if we're lucky. If it's not up and running by then, well.... This place isn't terrible.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Fast-Food Customers gravitating to Chili
« on: April 24, 2024, 10:19:17 PM »
Newsom probably thought giant Mickey D's could easily afford the $20.

Without realizing many, if not most, of their customers could not afford the fallout.

Or maybe he did know that would happen.

And still didn't set an example by raising the starting pay in his exclusive Tahoe Plump Jack Inn Cafe and Bar that sells $37 pasta and a $67 steak.

Probably more like "doesn't give a sh*t" and is actively trying to buy more votes from low information useful idiots since the gub'mint ain't sending out any more "stimmies".

Off Topic Discussion / Re: So how do we call back YSR Racer?
« on: April 24, 2024, 10:17:26 PM »


By his account, he's closer to what the left used to be, maybe closer to what I remember democrats being 40 or so years ago.

He's closer to what he wants the left to be, which is totally left but without the absurdity that it inevitably breeds. But he's the problem and he doesn't even realize it.

Worse. He doesn't see himself as the problem at all. He sees himself as the "solution". He thinks the windmills he tilts at are all righteous endeavors, all while pointing and laughing at his kith and kin for being "extremists".

Like all who hold themselves and their beliefs far above others, he's a f*cking hypocrite.

I'm starting to think we need to "Kent State" some of these sheltered, ignorant motherf*ckers before things really get outta hand.


Anyone notice that "Mom" stabbed a hole in the tip of the condom with the thumb tack?  ;D ;D

It appears that she wants a grandchild more than a responsible son.  ???

Off Topic Discussion / Re: .org issues now?
« on: April 24, 2024, 09:54:42 PM »
I've had a handful of 503's in the few days I've been here. I'd assume because the forum is seeing 15 times the traffic it's used to seeing.

Considering this was probably just supposed to be a rallying point, and not a new permanent home, I'd say it's holding up swimmingly.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Fast-Food Customers gravitating to Chili
« on: April 24, 2024, 10:31:03 AM »
OR the could keep prices stable, keep customers, and simply assume less profit.
WHY is that so completely unacceptable to them?

Are you being serious?
I agree with you.
I run a small business in Ca, and I've been wondering how the fast food restaurants are breaking even, much less making a profit. I see some places just closing up. There is a reason for this.
Rent just went up 25 percent on the new lease, inflation strikes. Prices of raw materials have gone up a lot in the past few years. Now the 20/hour thing hits, and even though it affects only certain businesses directly, it will affect everyone. Which Ca (SF area?) politician said that minimum income needs to be $120K or something like that?

People keep telling us we need to open a restaurant (my BBQ and her baking). I keep telling them if we ever did it wouldn't ever be in this commie sh*thole. Nothing Commiefornia-stan hates more than a small business owner or someone not on the government tit trying to make it on their own.

They look at me like I'm speaking in tongues. They've never owned or run a business. As a former small business owner, who's father-in-law was also a small business owner, we've watched that worm slowly turn to where you're basically fighting Excremento just to keep the doors open. No thanks.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: New site question
« on: April 24, 2024, 10:24:32 AM »
Offsite Photo-hosting. Welcome to the Brave New World like 10 year ago.

Yeah, it's not difficult to do.

Finding one that works decent, is reliable, and is free, can be a pain in the (Im stupid). Source: This former photobucket user. And current imgur user.

If you know of a few, toss up the links so we can all be ready, homie.

I agree your stupid.

Well, to be fair, I never claimed to be otherwise.

BTW, "clever" word filters are also 10 f*cking years ago. Dorks.

*edit* Nice ninja edit, still caught your typo. ;)

It's 2024, use your moral compass - because 'rules' have largely become biased and unjust.

I'm living by my rules. They primarily revolve around not negatively impacting others. They significantly involve not giving a fck about what people think of my approach.

Following the rules of modern society will pigeonhole you into a confined controlled space that will be used to abuse you mercilessly.

Find your path.

I like the cut of your jib.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: New site question
« on: April 24, 2024, 10:20:34 AM »
Offsite Photo-hosting. Welcome to the Brave New World like 10 year ago.

Yeah, it's not difficult to do.

Finding one that works decent, is reliable, and is free, can be a pain in the a*s. Source: This former photobucket user. And current imgur user.

If you know of a few, toss up the links so we can all be ready, homie.

He's stating the obvious.

Orange idiot isn't the best (or even a good) choice. But he's the least bad choice we'll be presented. F*ck me, that's depressing.


No TDS allowed on the backup website

There was a "No Retards" sign too, but they let you in.

Just sayin'.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: kook on fire - Trump Trial Circus Begins
« on: April 23, 2024, 10:41:43 PM »
Orange idiot gets a second term, guaranteed newscum rolls in right after in knee-jerk response.

And if you think it's bad now with a spoiled potato for president, wait until that narcissistic, a*shole and his complete disregard for the Constitution gets the Oval.

We're all completely f*cked then.

Not saying we can weather 4 more years of this rotting meat puppet we have now, but holy f*ck there has got to be better choices out there.

You make about as much sense as the woman pointing pistols at her tits in your avatar.  ::)
You should vote for RFK Jr as a 3'rd choice candidate.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I'm thinking "long game" and another sh*tty democratic term (1 year, tops of the rotting produce-in-chief before, and ugh, I can't believe I'm actually gonna type this, "president 'heels-up' harris") guaran-damn-tees we get a halfway decent republican for 8 more after that. During which more aging SCOTUS justices are replaced with conservative-leaning judges, where 4 more years batsh*t crazy left-tard policies will mean a pretty decent chance of getting or keeping control of the house and senate. And we can have almost a decade to try to reclaim our blessed republic from the f*cking morons who are steering us into the damn ground.

We'll all have to eat a little sh*t along the way, but it will pay dividends.

Or, while the left plays chess, y'all can have your ochre messiah for a bit longer, and keep playing checkers. Whatever floats your boat.

He's stating the obvious.

Orange idiot isn't the best (or even a good) choice. But he's the least bad choice we'll be presented. F*ck me, that's depressing.

Annexing? At this point we should all be able to claim them on our taxes!!

Send 'em both to whatever moos-lem sh*thole they vociferously advocate for while denigrating this country that has given them so much.

See how long they last, how well they fare, and how fast they beg to come back.

This place ain't perfect, it needs a lot of work, but getting rid of f*cking traitors like them is a helluva good start.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: kook on fire - Trump Trial Circus Begins
« on: April 23, 2024, 10:14:10 AM »
Orange idiot gets a second term, guaranteed newscum rolls in right after in knee-jerk response.

And if you think it's bad now with a spoiled potato for president, wait until that narcissistic, a*shole and his complete disregard for the Constitution gets the Oval.

We're all completely f*cked then.

Not saying we can weather 4 more years of this rotting meat puppet we have now, but holy f*ck there has got to be better choices out there.

These sh*theads are tripping all over themselves to send even more money (all while skimming off the top) to foreign countries while we have homeless and hungry combat vets in our streets, and a completely broken VA system.

They should all be hung for treason.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Bewb bouncing avatar! Vote for the best!
« on: April 22, 2024, 11:26:42 PM »
That's right! Who has the best bewb bouncing avatar?

Here's a list so far that I could bounce together.
If you're not on this list (or I simply missed you) you have not completed the bouncing boob avatar challenge and are therefore, smitted!

Vote for the best!

18. D-M

Multiple firearm safety violations! Why would you want to 'destroy' those? Other than they're big and fake. Yuck.

Sheesh. Fail.

Shoulda seen her before she got the huge ridiculous fakies. Got damn, she was a smokeshow. Looked more than a bit like an ex. I cleaned up this image to make it kinda SWF.

He IS the left.

By his account, he's closer to what the left used to be, maybe closer to what I remember democrats being 40 or so years ago. He's still a f*cktard of the highest order, but compared to the screaming, batsh*t lunatics of the far left, he's practically a moderate. Problem is, it's all groupthink and lemmings, and "if you're not 100% with every crazy thing I feel, you're my sworn enemy" useful f*cking idiots that make up "progressives" today.

He's not making fans on either side, and like the wise Mr. Miyagi once said:

"Walk left side road, safe. Walk right side road, safe. Walk middle, squish like grape". Mahr's too stupid to know he's the f*cking grape.

Mahr is a sanctimonious prick, and a holier-than-thou retard, but when he calls out the extreme left on their bullsh*t, I wonder if any of the sheep in the party have a quiet moment of introspection, because one of their own has pointed out that they've lost the f*cking plot.

So, yeah. It's nice when he points out the painfully f*cking obvious to whoever is watching/listening to him, but I have to ponder if he's actually doing any good, or just another form of virtue signaling.

It's like arguing on the internet, it's never gonna change a f*cking thing.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: kook on fire - Trump Trial Circus Begins
« on: April 22, 2024, 12:39:03 PM »
The best thing the msm did was mostly ignore it until a couple of days later when most of the videos had been scrubbed and buried most of the information. I get why they did it, it was one of "theirs", but this is how you're supposed to handle these kinds of events. If they handled school shootings this way, they numbers would drop dramatically. Stop glorifying the acts, and the shine will come off the apple.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: GGN - Over/Under Poll
« on: April 22, 2024, 12:36:08 PM »
i'm optimistic so before may 1st.

You sweet, summer child.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: GGN - Over/Under Poll
« on: April 22, 2024, 12:35:28 PM »
I didn't know what bot you were referring to... but saw that thread just now... wtf is that about? And how do we eradicate it?

Well now that it's been reported, I expect the member can be nuked along with the thread.  As for how we keep them off forever, I do not know.  Maybe block the IP.  If they were using a VPN that would not do much in the long run.  I wonder if shadow nuking it (somehow hiding it from view but allowing it to exist so the culprit is unaware he's been had) would be more effective, like deleting spam texts instead of opening them.  I really do not know.  On CGN I know we had IT pros in our midsts but I do not know if that is true of the few hundred that have made it over to CGO.

Who are the admins/mods?

It might make sense to temporarily empower a couple more mods to do general housekeeping while this site is seeing increased traffic.

Otherwise as this site gets bumped up the SEO foodchain we'll be seeing more and more, and with new faces/names coming over from CGN, it's only a matter of time before someone innocently clicks a suspicious link and gives their device the bad AIDS.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: kook on fire - Trump Trial Circus Begins
« on: April 22, 2024, 12:00:57 AM »
Say what you will, but I prefer this kind crap instead of the mentally deficient a*sholes who go on a shooting rampage, giving left-tards even more talking points to use to try to restrict our liberty.

So, yeah... To quote the Fantastic Four's Human Torch: Flame on!

Oh. I thought this was going to be about Kamala.

Beat me to it...  ;D

Off Topic Discussion / Re: GGN - Over/Under Poll
« on: April 21, 2024, 11:51:42 PM »
Wow, D-M!  You sure know how to roll into a party in style.  GOEX FFF has to get your avatar into his OP in the BBA vote thread.

When in Rome... Do as the Romans.

I presume others have noticed the spam thread created by newb autogcooro.  It took less than a week for us to pick up a bot.  Somehow, that tells feels like a reality check that makes me feel like we will be back on CGN before long.

I reported the bastard.

At risk of jinxing it, I will say under LBDamned, though you are probably right.

I'll be shocked.

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