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Messages - laurelpark

Pages: [1]
How about arming more law abiding citizens, Mr. Obama?  Spreading fear of gun laws getting stricter does nothing but get people to buy more guns - so I guess he's achieving that goal already. 

Every time I see one of these soft targets get hit by some crazy person with mental instabilities, I wonder what would have happened if enough well trained citizens were there and ready to take the guy out.

General Gun Discussion / Re: Market Value PPQ M1
« on: November 28, 2015, 10:36:56 AM »
Considering the number of mags, and if it truly does just have 50 rounds through it, somewhere in the $725 range is probably fair top-dollar considering that it's a CA gun.  The way I came up with that number is to add up the various cost items:  $575 average price new, shipped + $100 SSE (the original buyer had to pay that) + $50 for 2 extra mags.  Some minuses are that it's not NIB and that's always a wildcard, some pluses that cancel out the minuses are that it can be bought here in CA.  Some might pay a bit more if they like the paddle mag release, and like the fact that more P99 mags are available for it.  Some might not like the paddle mag release.

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