I had two bucks following a hot doe this morning about 7 AM this big guy that I got a photo of Thursday and a smaller buck.
The doe flashed across a clearing 60 yards away and 5 seconds behind her the big ten point was nose to the ground trotting after her. 10 seconds after that, a smaller 8 point was following.
The doe crosses another clearing 40 yards away in about 2 seconds so I ready with the Ruger No.1 RSI (7x57) and as the buck showed in the opening I drove a 160 grain Accubond high and behind his right shoulder. I was sitting in a 6 foot tall mini tower blind so I was 15 feet higher than the deer, who were downhill.
The doe cut straight across the meadow that I'm sitting over and then the 8 point comes out spraying blood like a fountain. The 10 point must have given up the chase in the brush and let the 8 point pass him by before they hit the opening that I shot through.
Stevie Wonder could have followed the blood trail and the buck made about 40 -50 yards before he died.
I had a heck of a time loading it in the truck because it weighed more than I did.