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Messages - Bar-Ang

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
when illegals in kali can march on the streets to protest against america with no fear of getting arrestted  and deported, why not try buying firearms too, it's the next logical step.  :o

freedom! yes baby! well, at least some good news here in kommiefornia.

whoever is in charge of .net is probably attending new year's party. so, happy new year to all!

Merry Christmas to you too and to the rest of faithful calgunners. :)

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Muslim refugees strike again
« on: December 21, 2024, 02:04:14 PM »
more diversity please. it's going to work someday.

trump and his team better be extra vigilant. the nuts are out there like what the killer did to the ceo of united healthcare and let's not forget the failed two assassins.

Maybe Penny will be their new pick for the head of the Secret Service!  8)

any position in trump's admin would make libs go bonkers. do it, president trump!  :)

Off Topic Discussion / Re: 7.0 earthquake near san transpsycho
« on: December 17, 2024, 10:33:04 AM »
gah! so it was a message  :o to "knock it off" before it's too late but the question is ... will they be awaken? seems NO! when kommie-la was favored over trump. sigh!

Off Topic Discussion / Re: 7.0 earthquake near san transpsycho
« on: December 16, 2024, 10:26:11 AM »
yea! i don't know the politics in eureka so maybe they needed some shaking to wake them up or a reminder that dems are bad for commiefornia. ;D

Humbolt County politics are much different than the Bay Area. Even the hippies up there own guns and want less government.

as long as they don't vote dems then it is good!

trump and his team better be extra vigilant. the nuts are out there like what the killer did to the ceo of united healthcare and let's not forget the failed two assassins.


 ;D :D :) ;D :D :) ;D :D :) tds then add pds. i don't know how the libs will make it through inaugauration day.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: worked for a few minutes today!
« on: December 13, 2024, 10:37:32 AM »
it makes me wanna scratch my anus when i see caguns on .net so please stop it!  :'(    :'(

Off Topic Discussion / Re: worked for a few minutes today!
« on: December 12, 2024, 10:22:03 AM »
when it's down, it gives me time to do something else like stretch my body, massage my toosh, get coffee and maybe eat instead of starving while online.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: worked for a few minutes today!
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:13:45 AM »
If we send zelenski a billion dollars will it help?

nah! the bidenistas would divide it among themselves and translenski would buy more leather, whips, panties, high heels, lipsticks ....

Off Topic Discussion / Re: worked for a few minutes today!
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:09:36 AM »
I'm starting to see a pattern.  When a certain user from another forum is on, everything works and it's fast.  Huh, go figure.

maybe stormvet was right. he bought it and the joke is on us.  :'(

Off Topic Discussion / Re: worked for a few minutes today!
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:05:24 AM »
doing some maintenance to make it run faster and longer. i'm optimistic. :)

Off Topic Discussion / Re: 7.0 earthquake near san transpsycho
« on: December 06, 2024, 09:31:23 PM »
we didn't feel any shaking probably not aware because it was weak but the pool water was splashing.

ARE YOU OK!!!!!!

coffee didn't spill on my shirt so i'm okay but can't say the same for pool. that poor thing lost few gallons but it can be rebuilt so everything is fine and dandy.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: 7.0 earthquake near san transpsycho
« on: December 06, 2024, 11:37:00 AM »
we didn't feel any shaking probably not aware because it was weak but the pool water was splashing.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: It's McRib season bitches!
« on: December 06, 2024, 11:32:38 AM »
the ribbon on top should have been made of bacon like icing on a cake.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Building a Contact List - UPDATED INFO
« on: December 06, 2024, 10:18:14 AM »
i was able to get on yesterday for a brief moment and a little longer last night and then followed by 504 of course.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: 7.0 earthquake near san transpsycho
« on: December 05, 2024, 07:04:33 PM »
yea! i don't know the politics in eureka so maybe they needed some shaking to wake them up or a reminder that dems are bad for commiefornia. ;D
Unfortunately, due to the enviro-nazis all but shutting down commercial fishing and logging, many of the hard-working common-sense people have left and the area had been infested with bay area scum bags.

they are everywhere and spreading like cancer. gah!!!

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Building a Contact List - UPDATED INFO
« on: December 05, 2024, 01:08:16 PM »
the first one "j--------" looks familiar. when .net is available, i'll try to find him and let you know if haven't already.

i tried this morning and it's not coming up so i'm guessing i thought i've seen that name (outside o/t) or just my imagination. my bad.  :-[

Off Topic Discussion / Re: 7.0 earthquake near san transpsycho
« on: December 05, 2024, 01:02:50 PM »
yea! i don't know the politics in eureka so maybe they needed some shaking to wake them up or a reminder that dems are bad for commiefornia. ;D

Off Topic Discussion / 7.0 earthquake near san transpsycho
« on: December 05, 2024, 12:29:45 PM »

i wonder how many inches it sled toward the sea salt?

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Plov party on December 7th
« on: December 05, 2024, 12:41:28 AM »
too bad! it's not a national holiday.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: EM2 gets tagged teamed.....
« on: December 05, 2024, 12:38:40 AM »
someone should ask how much they support the martial law in south korea.  ;D

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Plov party on December 7th
« on: December 04, 2024, 07:19:04 PM »
do one in january 20, enjoying the food and drinks while you guys watch the inauguration.  :)

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Calguns thread crapping on caguns is funny!
« on: December 04, 2024, 09:50:59 AM »
caguns sounds like gayguns. i'm staying here dead or alive.

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Building a Contact List - UPDATED INFO
« on: December 04, 2024, 09:41:55 AM »
i'm not smart enough to know the complicated merging, moving to a bigger server, etc. i thinks kes wanted to save the contents and history but it's not happening. we saw his efforts in trying to make it work but it keep getting worse.

he's probably trying to for the last time before making a decision to start with a clean slate.

If only he let us know...

Site troubles are one thing. But it sure would be nice to get a little update once in a while. At least tell us what is going on.

true! he's probably frustrated, pulling his hair out and swollen hand for punching the wall that's why he's not able to type to give us an update.   ;D

well, trump be better pouring some serious $$$$$$$$$$$ into it to get rid of these law breakers!

Off Topic Discussion / Re: Building a Contact List - UPDATED INFO
« on: December 03, 2024, 11:52:10 PM »
i'm not smart enough to know the complicated merging, moving to a bigger server, etc. i thinks kes wanted to save the contents and history but it's not happening. we saw his efforts in trying to make it work but it keeps getting worse.

he's probably trying for the last time before making a decision to start with a clean slate.

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