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Did you ever really think things would get this crazy?

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The Pro-hamas/palestine stuff, the dei stuff, and mary poppins disinformation (she's back!) stuff - this is just nuts.

Yes, I'm getting old, but I never though it would get this crazy. How do they have the time and energy to do this? Has life become too easy?
Did you think this would actually happen?

No. A lot of stuff going on, I cannot believe is even a thing to be discussed. All the weird trans stuff, for example. Feckin clown world.

auntiefa, bee-el-em, fentanyl floyd .... anti-jews, pro terrorist, woke crap ... the world is getting more violent and demonic. better believe it that it's going to get worse.

In one sense, it was almost inevitable.  Time creates complacence and such is what sets the stage to be taken advantage of as few, if any, remember what 'used to be' and too few wish to 'risk' what they have in a fight over what isn't remembered.

Another aspect, related to Cloward-Piven, is the overwhelming of the system.  Virtually anything/everything is made into a 'crisis,' with each agenda-driven individual/group being primed to take things to the bitter end.

Then you have the 'political class' which became more interested in having power than utilizing it for the common good.  As a result, people were divided into 'groups' and set against one another; often, even when those 'groups' actually shared many goals/aspirations. 

Of course, there is...  Well... A whole lot of reasons.

Did I ever think it would get this crazy?  Yep.

Did I do my best to fight against it becoming so?  Yep.

Did others do their best?  Some, even many in certain instances.

But, there's a reason for the observation. . .

After 9/11, no I never thought America would lose its way to socialism, wokeness and jihadists.  Then Obama and the far left came along, were joyfully voted into office and straight into the shitter our country went.  Not saying that Bush 1&2, and Clinton didn't have a part in it but Obama just mashed the accelerator pedal to the floor like Thelma & Louise.  Potato is Obama's meat puppet, just a place holder for the Deep State.


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