Off Topic Discussion / EM2 gets tagged teamed.....
« on: December 04, 2024, 11:05:38 PM »
Just for bringing up a newly released report on COVID on that other site! He was trying to be so respectful to the rules over there, just trying to bring it up for discussion and gets jumped! Soy #1 "I don't see the 2A tie in!" Owner jumps in with "well in Asia they wear masks because of SAR and...." EM2 tries to respond from the report. Soy #2 "So you're OK with threads with zero 2A relevance...." 1 other member tries to respond with his experience during COVID but the thread really becomes all about the owners rules and a suggestion on adding a feature on the site so only threads show up that one wants, who is being rude and who isn't and the owner freely opining on his views. EM2 tried so hard but got jumped instead, even told by a admin "this is a 2A place if you don't like it go someplace else." LMAO!! Of course this is only a synopsis/paraphrase but that other site is tyrannical with the owner riding herd. The thread made it up to 32 posts, doubt it goes further. Should I post the link?