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Topics - TrappedinCalifornia

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I can't reach .net.  I did yesterday, twice; but, very briefly.  I think I got one post in, but it was a maximum of 3 to 4 clicks and... vapor lock.  Now, I can't reach the site again.

That's the long way of saying I'm posting this here, for now.  However, I might move it over to .net if it becomes appropriate.

The other site isn't an evil, twisted 'enemy.'  It's not an entirely 'bad' thing.  But, it is decidedly different than what we've become accustomed to.  Why?

The target audience/membership is different.  Originally, it was about a platform for conducting trades, sales, and purchases.  It grew into something unexpectedly larger than anticipated and someone tried to take advantage of that.  The reason?  We all know why it grew and the reasons behind it.  The real questions are, how and why is it different?

The "how" is pretty clear at this point.  It's a more restrictive and less 'open' venue.  To be fair, so was .net early on.  The key is in 'the History' of .net.  Everyone forgets that while my membership on .net only goes back to 2018, I lurked for several years before that and I don't go back even close to the beginning.  However, there are reasons I could pull up old threads and have a familiarity with the site's history which my membership date doesn't square with.  We'll get back to that in a minute.

The "why" is a bit more nebulous.  Sure.  There's the obvious.  The membership is different.  The owner is notably less 'enlightened' and permissive.  It's a more 'correct' decorum and that 'correctness' is being 'enforced' by both the membership and the TPTB.  We've done the same on .net, don't kid yourselves.  There's also a considerably more 'blindered' vision of the 2nd Amendment.  I use the term 'blindered' rather than myopic in that the latter is naturally degenerative and the former is 'artificial' and deliberate.

What many are attempting on the other site is the construction of one more to their tastes than what .net has 'evolved' into.  As an example, I don't think .net originally had an OT.  As the membership grew and the discussions took on certain 'tones,' the sense I have is that a decision was made to create a non-publicly accessible sub-forum, with minimal moderation, to try and limit the politically unacceptable rhetoric on most of the site.  It then became incumbent upon the individual members to make choices as to what they would personally tolerate in that sub-forum.  The fact that it became a main driver of the site says more about the membership than the site itself. 

I have my suspicions regarding what the current owner's true, driving ambitions are.  Since they're suspicions, even though derived from his posts, I won't get into them.  Suffice to say what I've already said; i.e., that I don't believe they are realistic or truly compatible with good and proper 2nd Amendment discourse.  I do believe they are wholly consistent with a different agenda and its been alluded to, several times, in the owner's posts. There are those on the other site who myopically focus on OT and the owner encourages that...

Quote from: ikeo1
tedster said:
I just happen to be able to login at CGN. Took a quick look into the socalled OT sub.
It's awful what is being posted over there. It's their OT, but the same characters also have access to every other part of CGN.
I'm a 'Nay' when it comes to OT sub forums harboring crowds like these.

Yeah, I agree. It's ok. I'm glad they are not here with that type of attitude. It's not helpful for growth and very detrimental to it. It makes me more clear that if people come here with that type of attitude, it will not be tolerated here.

I've had around 60 posts in OT and after seeing the personalities there. It's obvious why CGN has gone the direction it has and not grown and imploded. You have non-contributors attacking people for anything they disagree with politically who don't shoot firearms. They're on a 2A site that tolerates them and managed to take over the culture of Calguns. It seems like their strategy is to drive people out who actually want to discuss ideas.

To be clear, I'm not against political discussion. I enjoy a good challenge and enjoy reading good discourse. The Biden Pardon turned out better than I hoped. To me the goal shouldn't be about winning, its more about listening to people you can respect and learn from. People that challenge your own ideas that can make you a better thinker. People that will acknowledge your points instead of ignore them and address them are super valuable IMO.

While, on its face, such sounds fine, it ignores the fundamental reality that Constitutional rights aren't about being 'politically correct.'  They are about exactly the type of tension he publicly discourages, yet personally practices.  They're about tolerance and the ability to fight intolerance; something he can 'moderate' on a personal website, but not on others.  Instead, he's been using .net as both a marketing opportunity and a place to enhance his learning in terms of website administration.

Quote from: ikeo1
I used to check there every so often to see the activity but now I think they've won. I don't see a reason for me to visit the site any longer. I used to keep tabs on a number of metrics. They still have some good movement in the marketplace but its nothing really new. Mostly bumps and with buyers moving over here, it's time to close that chapter.

Every so often?  More like everyday since he opened his website.  Keeping track of metrics was just one thing he did.  He also self-proclaimed that he was engaged in a "guerilla marketing" campaign.  Such a strategy involves word-of-mouth, but it's a 'directed' and 'pimped' word-of-mouth.  The metrics were something to compare to, utilize in his campaign, and assess strengths and weaknesses vis a vis the target audience and help with his direction/pimping.  It's why he wanted a look under the hood.  It's why he wanted some influence/control; whether he could outright purchase .net, become a 'partner,' or simply get a peek as a potential buyer.

It's just like my pointing out that "they" haven't been saying "No answer is an answer." I've been the one saying it, repeatedly.  Similarly, "they've won" is his way of acknowledging what I recently posted about his campaign having reached a saturation point and that the real pushback had begun.  Cynical?  Yes.  Part of business and marketing?  Yes.  Acceptable?  It depends on who you ask, who is targeted, and who accepts it.

I don't fit what he needs and neither do many of us who remain steadfastly loyal, regardless of what ultimately happens.  As I've said, I get the excitement.  Many see it as an opportunity to build something 'better' than what they perceive .net to be.  How they're doing it is... 'unacceptable'... to me, in many ways.  But, it is an 'acceptable' way to many.  From a pragmatic standpoint, however, they don't see their real problem.  It's not about 'reinventing the wheel.'  It's about 'taming the shrew' in terms of how it's being done. 

While new software/technology is being used, the formatting is remarkably similar and many of the reasons for it should be obvious.  What isn't as obvious is that the intention isn't to 'build something new,' but to diverge, 'culturally,' from what .net has become.  Part of that goes back to the target audience and the owner's deference to Reddit culture in how the site is being administered.  Part of that is 'attacking' what 'they' consider the 'inappropriate' aspects of the culture on .net.  The problem? 

To my eye, it's the History.  Far too many are dismissive of it.  Just dump/lose the old threads and start with the new is the recurrent 'advice.'  Their trouble is the History involves more than just tech specs about guns.  It's about the Legislative angles which have occurred.  It's about the site's evolution and the reasons for it.  It's about how the site's culture developed and why.  It's about... a lot of things many pay scant, if any, attention to.  In a nutshell, it's about 'experience' on many levels.

That 'experience' and how dismissive of it is at the core of what irritates us, frustrates a number of members (many of them .net members) on the new site, and will, I believe, ultimately foil any attempts to build a true "2nd Amendment" community.  They'll be able to talk about 'guns,' but not fully, reasonably, rationally, or necessarily about the 2nd Amendment.  As such, in many respects, its a 'constructive' exercise which can be learned from and what many think they're learning isn't necessarily what they need to be learning.

While this appears to be my usual, protracted, 'half-page minimum,' I hope it helps to get people to thinking about what's actually going on.  The name-calling has a certain place, I suppose.  But, it largely misses the point and the target.  Likewise, it's not about a more 'correct' or 'politically acceptable' discourse.  It's about properly focusing on what has been and is being done.

Ultimately, it's up to Kestryll and those assisting to get .net back up and running correctly or, at least, functionally.  Otherwise, I'm not sure many of us are going to like the new 'gun culture' which comes about.  Bear in mind, in one of the threads I happened on yesterday at the other site, they're talking about getting CRPA funding/endorsement and sponsoring top shooters with 'supporter' and, it is hoped, next year, with 'matching' funds from site sponsors.  It's about aggressive marketing and .net could easily lose its place as the 'Home' for many in California; be it 'resistance' or otherwise.  In that sense, it's about business.  Let's TCB and try to stay focused on that.

I'm pretty sure we've got a thread running on .net about this, but I'm not seeing one here and since I can't seem to connect to .net and haven't been able to for the last couple of days...

Judge rejects 2nd Amendment argument from illegal immigrant living in Ohio charged over possession of 170 guns -

A federal judge denied a request to dismiss a gun charge against an illegal immigrant in Ohio who had been in the U.S. for more than 15 years, rejecting the man's argument that he has a right to bear arms.

Carlos Serrano-Restrepo was charged earlier this year and was subsequently indicted for possession of a firearm by an alien unlawfully in the U.S., according to WSYX.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives began investigating and watching Serrano-Restrepo after he purchased at least 22 firearms, and claimed to be a U.S. citizen on the firearms forms...

The suspect's lawyer submitted a motion to dismiss the charge on the argument that he has the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.

The judge denied his motion to dismiss the charge on Thursday, writing in his opinion that "disarming unlawful immigrants like Mr. Serrano-Restrepo who have not sworn allegiance to the United States comports with the Nation's history and tradition of firearm regulations."

"Mr. Serrano-Restrepo's as-applied challenge lacks merit," the judge continued. "The swearing of an oath of allegiance occurs through the naturalization process, not through his asylum application or his years of living in the United States."

His trial is scheduled for Jan. 21, 2025.

Serrano-Restrepo moved from Arizona to Orient, Ohio, in 2022. He told the court he last unlawfully entered the U.S. in 2008...

You can see the case here -

And the decision here -

Off Topic Discussion / Newsom Buys Marin County Home For $9.1 Million
« on: November 21, 2024, 05:42:27 PM »
Gavin Newsom Drops $9.1 Million on a Hyatt Hotel Heir's Bay Area Home -

Around three-and-a-half years after he sold his Marin County home in a lucrative off-market deal for nearly $6 million and relocated to Sacramento, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has decided to make a return to the Bay Area. The San Francisco native plans to split his time between Sacramento and Marin County, where his four children are reportedly already enrolled in school.

Records show Newsom, whose gubernatorial term ends in 2027, and his documentary filmmaker wife Jennifer Siebel Newsom have paid billionaire Hyatt Hotels heir Daniel Pritzker $9.1 million - about $600,000 over asking - through a private LLC for a midcentury modern abode in the affluent unincorporated community of Kentfield, about 20 miles north of San Francisco. First listed in summer 2023 for just under $11.5 million, the place underwent several price chops before landing at its final ask of $8.5 million...

​​​​​​​Ah... Public service.  It's a lucrative profession.  Just ask his 'aunt.'

For those who don't already know, here's a concise post from Librarian on the 'other site' regarding what happened...

Quote from: Librarian
Quote from: IncognitoArms
I was on that forum for years! What exactly happened to it? Can barely log on there now

Really don't know?

Summary: At the end of 2022, the hosting service for decided to get out of the business. The software was moved to another host about December 2022, but it was running incompatible software that vbulletin uses. So for about a year, the forum would run, but had a collection of weird behaviors.

In 2024, at the end of April, the forum was migrated to vbulletin 6, on the cloud service hosted by VB. There were Conversion Issues, one of which was the loss of iTrader, which was an add-on for the old VB 3.x.

Apparently the costs for the data the forum used were high for the cloud service, and performance was sometimes odd, so the forum was moved to another hosting service ( at the end of August 2024. (Just three months of this pain? Seems like forever.)

And, the problems with that are what this thread is about.

He's got 'badges' which indicate he's a supporter and contributor to that site; but, he's been remaining fairly even keeled.

No.  I won't link to the thread it's from as there are a goodly number of accusations being thrown around regarding Kestryll in addition to the usual "he should sell it" as well as 'instructions' on how to discontinue your financial support of .net.  Let's just say that if our continuing loyalty to Kestryll is misplaced, so be it, we'll find out soon enough.  If it's not, well... Let's agree that some of these people should not be all that 'welcome' back at .net so far as I'm concerned.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzenzinski have put their foot in it.  They met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago.  The Left is in dithers, threatening to never forgive them, destroy their ratings, etc.  Meanwhile, many on the Right simply think it was an attempt to save their ratings.  The View evidently went apoplectic - surprise, surprise.

The problem is that many forget that while Scarborough's show is commentary, it still falls under the rubric of 'journalism.'  As such, they can't really refuse to cover the President of the United States.  Meanwhile, 'talk shows' such as The View can carry on without missing a beat in terms of their audience.  While they do have 'politicians' on occasions, they aren't, by any stretch of the imagination 'journalists.'

MSNBC staffers lash out at 'Morning Joe' co-hosts meeting with Trump: 'Disgusting but frankly unsurprising' -

Defeated left-wing MSNBC anchors Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski reveal they met with Trump: 'Time to do something different' -

'Morning Joe' Source: Meeting Trump Was 'F***ing Worth It' -

Yep.  I bet it was 'worth it' for them, at least in the short term.  It got the media's attention, probably drew eyeballs, and gives them something 'different' to 'discuss.'  It also probably throws fits of paranoia and concern for the Right as to whether Trump is 'selling us out' by meeting with Leftists.

Ultimately, no 'interview' came out of the meeting and, my perception is, that's 'telling.'  In fact, that last, linked article above stated that MSNBC was not consulted prior to the 'meeting.'  So, why would there have been an 'interview?'  Whether it is 'spun' as having caused Trump to 'tone down' his rhetoric or evidence that Scarborough/Brzezinski have no scruples or something in between, I think it simply feeds Trump's public personality in terms of "any publicity is good publicity" and having 'enemies' kowtow to him.

Off Topic Discussion / Happy Birthday USMC - 10 November 1775
« on: November 10, 2024, 08:25:54 AM »
Since I've been unable to connect to .net for 36 hrs. or more and not wanting to take a chance of missing it by not being able to post there, I guess I'll post it here...

Federal judge rules Illinois assault weapons ban unconstitutional -

...U.S. District Judge Stephen McGlynn, who sits on the federal court in East Saint Louis, wrote in his 168-page opinion that the statewide ban on assault-style weapons violates the Second Amendment...

As part of his ruling that the assault weapons ban is unconstitutional, McGlynn issued a permanent injunction prohibiting enforcement of the ban, but he stayed that injunction for 30 days to give the state time to file an appeal...

"What is particularly disturbing is that the prohibition of weapons that are commonly owned and used by citizens are now banned, depriving citizens of a principal means to defend themselves and their property in situations where a handgun or shotgun alone would not be the citizen's preferred arm," McGlynn wrote. "Sadly, there are those who seek to usher in a sort of post-Constitution era where the citizens' individual rights are only as important as they are convenient to a ruling class."

McGlynn compared the use of firearms for self-defense to equipping vehicles with airbags, ocean liners with lifeboats, or houses with storm shelters.

"Why do we protect ourselves with firearms? In life, we face many perils," He wrote. "Too often, the perils we face are forced upon us by other people. By people who are negligent, reckless, insane, impaired, or evil. Sometimes it is the proverbial lone wolf; sometimes, it is the whole wolf pack. Truly, life comes at you quickly. And who comes to our aid in times of peril? Sometimes, it is the police or first responders; other times it is healthcare professionals; and sometimes it is family, friends, or neighbors. Sometimes, it is no one."...

The opinion can be found here -

I'm gonna try posting this here as it's an update, of sorts, that was posted in OT on Calguns last night from the other site.  I have no idea what thread it's from on that site and am unsure what Thursday the time stamp represents, so take it for what it is and let's hope it's what it's represented to be.

Okay.  The new software isn't allowing me to bring over what this software considers a valid image address or I'm doing something wrong.

I did post it outside of OT, so you should be able to click that thread or view it by clicking...

ETA: It looks like you have to sign in on .net to view the image.  If anyone can capture the image and post it here, it'd be appreciated.

Off Topic Discussion / James Darren Dies At 88
« on: September 02, 2024, 07:55:42 PM »
James Darren Dies: Teen Idol Actor in 'Gidget' And Singer Was 88 -

...Per outlet reports, his son, Inside Edition correspondent Jim Moret, said that his father died at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, after entering the hospital's cardiac unit. He was deemed too weak to have a surgical aorta valve replacement and died in his sleep...

Off Topic Discussion / Chuck Norris - Just Warming Up
« on: August 27, 2024, 03:55:24 AM »
WHAT THE CHUCK? Chuck Norris, 84, lifts a whopping 540 pounds in bicep curl at gym as shocked fans call actor a 'living legend' -

..."Rumor has it when I finish my workout, the weights have to take a break, haha," he wrote in the caption...

Video is embedded in the article.

Off Topic Discussion / Where's BP... Barbara Eden Just Turned 93?
« on: August 24, 2024, 06:13:33 PM »
Barbara Eden turned 93 yesterday.  Where's BP?  She should be almost ripe enough for him to pick.

Evidently, she drove herself.

I Dream Of Jeannie star Barbara Eden makes rare public outing to celebrate her 93rd birthday -

For those who prefer to remember her in 'prime mode,' here she is 1969 in her Mach 1...

Off Topic Discussion / Phil Donahue Dies At 88
« on: August 19, 2024, 12:04:48 PM »
I know most of us will just miss him sooooo much... (ahem, cough)

Phil Donahue, daytime talk show pioneer, dies at age 88 -

Phil Donahue, the celebrated daytime talk show host who pioneered the television staple, has died, his publicist confirmed to CBS News. He was 88.

Donahue died Sunday night surrounded by his wife, actor Marlo Thomas, and his sister, children and grandchildren, his publicist said in a statement.

He died peacefully after a long illness, the statement said, without providing additional details...

I've posted this a couple of times before, but I have 2 or 3 Phil Donahue interviews which I actually enjoyed in that the guest 'schooled' Donahue. 

One of those was his interview of John Wayne...

See... See!?!?  Trump's running mate is a lying, hypocrite and photos from when he was a teenager prove it.

Unearthed Photo Shows Teen JD Vance Posing in Bathroom With Three Girls at Urinals -

JD Vance, no fan of gender-neutral bathrooms, was photographed in his high school yearbook next to three girls posing in front of urinals in a bathroom during his senior year.

The photo, unearthed by the Daily Mail, shows an 18-year-old JD Hamel, as he was known at the time, standing next to the three girls, who were facing the urinals. The picture was captured in the 2003 Middletown High School yearbook...

The Ohio senator previously questioned ambassadorial appointees about whether they would "Increase gender-neutral restrooms and locker rooms in overseas facilities," according to a memo obtained by The Washington Post. The memo was a part of Vance's crusade against "woke" appointments to the State Department, according to Politico...

Never let it be said that something you did in an high school yearbook, 22 years ago, isn't relevant to your political positions as a 40-year old Senator.

Who vetted this guy?  I mean, really... sheesh.

A Scientist Says That, Actually, Earth Might Have Six Continents -

..."The discovery indicates that the North America and Eurasian tectonic plates have not yet actually broken apart, as is traditionally thought to have happened 52 million years ago," Jordan Phethean, lead author of the study, told

Next, they'll be telling us Pluto isn't a planet.  Oh... Wait... Uh...

Internal communications reveal Soros-backed prosecutors 'undermine law and order in America,' MRC says -

...The MRC obtained nearly 7,800 pages of internal communications from dozens of Soros-backed prosecutors through multiple public records requests. The conservative watchdog group said its findings "reveal how the Soros machine effectively employs an army of radicalized government lawyers to tear apart the justice system" across America...

"The Soros empire spent at least $40 million to elect its prosecutors. It then invested an additional $77,663,316 to 20 leftist nonprofits to coordinate and control the prosecutors, bringing the total Soros spending to at least $117,663,316," the MRC continued. "At least 30 percent of the U.S. population currently lives under the boot of the Soros prosecutors who were pressured to sign pledges vowing to adhere to various Soros priorities. The Soros machine orchestrated 33 of these 'joint statements' and pledges, which were signed by 123 of the 126 Soros prosecutors."...

Two worthwhile links from the piece...

See what happens when Calguns is on hiatus?

Gavin Newsom employs $200,000 official photographer at taxpayers' expense -,charged%20to%20taxpayers%2C%20Politico%20reported.

...Mr Newsom hired Charles Ommanney at a cost of $200,000... which has been charged to taxpayers, Politico reported...

A spokesman for his office told Politico that Mr Ommanney "plays an instrumental role in communicating the work of state government across visual platforms".

I'm sure he's worth every penny it's costing us since, as with Kamala Harris, by putting Newsom in D.C., he can't do any more harm - right?

From today... Oklahoma Cops Under Investigation for Slamming Innocent Dad to the Ground for 'Suspicious' Walk With Son -

...Sexton was walking with his 6-year-old son, who has autism, around 6 a.m. when he was stopped by two Watonga police officers...

Sexton is correct. Oklahoma is not a "stop and identify" state, where police can demand the name of pedestrians, and even in those states, officers need a reasonable suspicion that the person is involved in a crime...

The Watonga offices appear similarly ignorant. One threatens to arrest and jail Sexton for failing to identify himself, "because I've identified that you've been walking around here at 5:30 in the morning."...

Sexton was briefly detained before being released without being charged. He has since filed a complaint with the Watonga Police Department, and the release of body camera footage of the incident has outraged residents...

The Twitter ("X") video in the article is more complete, but this gives some context as to how the 'investigation' is going - :facepalm:

As the announcement at the top of the page states - ...

Go to the bottom of the page, lower left corner, select the style selector and choose 'Calguns vb6'. The style is from the original forum and the text is larger.

It looks alright to me.  Larger font, not as harsh on the eyes, less 'wasted' space...

It'll take a little getting used to the 'full screen' effect; but, for now, I'm willing to give it a go.

I'm still trying to get someone else over there to acknowledge seeing what I'm seeing. 

But, it appears, at least to me, that the default font size has been increased.

Nothing has changed in the settings on my end, so it has to be something someone (Kestryll?) did on their end.

Off Topic Discussion / Where's This, Why That On The Updated Site
« on: April 30, 2024, 04:28:11 AM »
It's amusing to watch.

People who didn't bother to come to this site during the transition and, evidently, didn't do all that much on the .net site in terms of using the features are now screaming about things.

As a number of us have already pointed out, some of the features they think are 'new' are actually long-time features, just more noticeable with the new format.

I have to admit, it's taking some time to sort through the new formatting in terms of how everything works and some of the new 'features' in terms of visibility are a little irritating; but, if you take some time to work through it, it's not rocket science.  Well. . . at least for the most part.

Once the technical kinks are smoothed out, it's still going to take a little getting used to, although some of the new functionalities are 'good.'

We'll see.

It's one of those moments that one does really miss BP.

His platinum standard, Christie Brinkley (70), was serenaded by her ex, Billy Joel (74), live on 4/26 and we can't embed YouTube videos here.

AG in New York caught violating the law. . . Upstate NY DA refuses to stop for speeding, drives back home and calls police chief to complain: video -

You can watch her interaction with the officer here. . .

The best I can determine at the moment is that she switched her Party affiliation to Republican after being elected.

They say don't leave valuables in parked cars in San Francisco. Rep. Adam Schiff didn't listen -

San Francisco has earned an unwelcome national reputation for car burglaries that U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff was reminded of the hard way: The Democratic congressman had his luggage swiped from his car while it was parked in a downtown garage.

With his formal clothing gone, Schiff ended up at a fundraising dinner Thursday for his U.S. Senate campaign dressed like he was headed to a Los Angeles Dodgers game - in shirt sleeves and an insulated vest. Others who attended the event were mostly decked out in suit jackets and ties. . .

Statistically, reported auto break-ins are down in San Francisco, but vehicles with busted windows and sprinkles of broken glass remain a common sight in the city. Visitors and residents are constantly reminded to remove valuables from parked cars.

It was advice Schiff neglected to follow. . .

Schiff was the target of plenty of social media snark following the crime: "Democrats have nobody to blame but themselves," one user wrote on the social platform X. . .

Someone I know in Shasta County sent this to me last night.

Wind farm lawsuit must move out of Shasta County due to 'local hostility': California AG -

Arguing that the California Energy Commission can't get a fair hearing in Shasta County because of presumed local "prejudice" against the state agency, the California Attorney General's Office wants to transfer out of the county a lawsuit filed over the controversial Fountain Wind Project.

The AG's office filed the request after the county sued the energy commission in Shasta County Superior Court in November, claiming it did not have the authority to consider for approval the proposed 4,500-acre project some 35 miles east of Redding. . .

Goldman's request to move the case outside the county notes the proposed project met with significant opposition from residents and was rejected by the county Board of Supervisors. . .

After the county rejected the project, the California Legislature in 2022 approved AB 205 which allows the commission to consider approving the project. That means the state could overrule Shasta County's decision and approve the Fountain Wind project.

Texas-based ConnectGen wants to build up to 48 wind turbines on 4,500 acres in the Montgomery Creek-Round Mountain area, about 35 miles east of Redding. According to the company's website, the turbines would have the capacity to generate about 200 megawatts, enough to power about 80,000 homes. . .

In denying the project, county officials said the wind turbines would create a wildfire risk and harm cultural and tribal resources, tourism, the watershed, and mental and physical health.

The county has filed arguments with the court against the AG's office's request to move the case out of the county. . .

"Finally, the CEC (commission) blithely assumes that the community in Shasta County and the tribe will not suffer any prejudice if the case is transferred outside Shasta County, which is wrong both factually and ethically," the argument says.

The county's attorney also proposed that rather than move the case outside the county, the court appoint a judge from outside Shasta County to hear the case at the courthouse in Redding.

A hearing on the issue is set for 9 a.m. Monday before Superior Court Judge Stephen Baker.

They evidently oppose the will of the State and, thus, they are 'prejudice' and unqualified to have one of 'their own' make such a decision.  Never mind that they propose bringing in an outside judge; i.e., the idea that they want the decision to be publicly transparent.  Never mind that such a 'wind farm' would be a 'blight' (according to my friend) on the area in terms of things Shasta County relies on, be it tourism, fishing, etc.  Never mind that, as Pete Wilson described it, the area is part of 'the wilderness of California' and, therefore, no one (ahem) will see it, not to mention it's something the State desires.

I looked it up.  If the 'wind farm' will potentially produce enough to power about 80,000 homes and, as of 2022, there were 80,095 housing units in Shasta County ( ), let's say I'm a bit suspicious the State intends that power for Shasta Country usage.  In short, it seems to speak to a 'colonial' mindset in relation to how Sacramento views that part of the State.  Could there be reasons why, last year, Shasta County declared itself a '2nd Amendment Sanctuary?'  Could there be some legitimacy to their perception that the State is simply ignoring them while doing what they will with the area?

Anyone up there have any insights?

I saw this in the news rotation and (ahem), somehow, thought of the membership here.

California lawmakers approve bill that would make you show ID before looking at porn -

Look at online porn? Soon, you might have to provide a credit card or government ID in order to do so.

Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers on the Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee last week sided with conservative religious organizations against LGBTQ, reproductive health and civil liberty advocacy groups and voted unanimously in favor of AB 3080, a bill by Assemblyman Juan Alanis, R-Modesto, that would require pornographic websites "to take reasonable steps to ensure" that only adults are looking at them...

Colorado House approves firearm bills related to liability insurance, dealer licensure -

The Colorado House of Representatives passed three firearm-related bills over the weekend, including what would be a first-in-the-nation requirement for gun owners to carry liability insurance.

The trio is part of a handful of gun bills making their way through the Democrat-controlled Legislature that would place additional requirements on firearm owners in the state.

The bills will now head to the Senate, which has until May 8 to vote on them before the end of session. Only a few gun-related bills have cleared both chambers so far, including one to strengthen concealed carry permit requirements and one to require safe gun storage in cars.

A proposed ban on "assault weapons" passed the House and has been introduced in the Senate, but it is awaiting a hearing with the State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee...

California is currently ranked 43rd in gun ownership insofar as registered guns.

The firearm ownership rate in California is 16.3%. With a registered gun rate of 10.4 per 1,000 Californians, its registered firearm rate falls in 43rd place in the nation.

Ever wondered why they think we need registration?  California has to be #1.

Of course, looked at this way, why don't they just leave us alone?!?! 

Oh... You mean we need a distraction from the budget deficit, the cost of living, mismanagement of funds... and all the other stuff?

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