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Topics - sigfan91

Pages: [1]
No wonder MSNBC is going under.  How the hell does anyone pay her $25 million a year to work once a week?  Assuming she does 50 shows a year, that is still half a mil a week.  Vast majority of Americans are no where close to that.  How interesting that leftist socialist people obsessed about income inequality are totally fine with their own shill making an obscene amount of money to tell them the evils of capitalism.

Off Topic Discussion / saw a good one from the Bee today
« on: November 30, 2024, 01:33:05 AM »
Why are the democrats thinking about the next election cycle?  Didn't they say Trump would end democracy?

Off Topic Discussion / Trump TV ads in CA?
« on: October 29, 2024, 09:50:51 PM »
Wow, I saw Trump's ad in CA, on Fox, during the World Series.

I also saw Heels Up's ad in California, like all over the place, on cable TV, during the World Series, and on Pluto TV.

Why are they wasting money here?  CA is 75% democrat anyway.

Off Topic Discussion / when to take social security?
« on: August 29, 2024, 04:33:10 PM »
I read a lot of articles about how waiting until age 70 to claim social security can maximize benefits.  One article says social security check will be 76% higher at 70 than at 62.  That may be true, but what about the 8 year head start I get from claiming at 62?  Assuming I get $1000 per month at 62 and $1760 per month at 70, it would take roughly 10.5 years to break even at age 80.  That's if I just hide the money under my mattress between 62 and 70.  I will get additional value if I invest or use it to travel the world.  Money is not that useful when I get too old to enjoy it.

Does this make sense or am I crazy?  Please elaborate if you call me crazy or stupid.  I want to see where my math went wrong.

I miss reading minor complaints about our first world problems from the .net thread.

I will start first.

I have a $20 coupon at Newegg, but I have no idea what to buy.  I will probably end up buying something I don't need or use just to take $20 off a $100 item.

Off Topic Discussion / we really need a "died suddenly" thread here
« on: August 16, 2024, 09:16:14 PM »
Young people who seem be healthy die suddenly all the time.

Maxie Solters, a publicist, writer, actor and producer well known to the entertainment community, died unexpectedly on Thursday. No cause of death was announced; she was 37.

Off Topic Discussion / Toy cap gun
« on: August 09, 2024, 07:00:22 PM »
Remember these toy guns?  I have not seen one or any of the caps on sale for decades.  I remember playing with these.  Some had ring caps.  Some had linear caps.  They all made that little pop sound and even had some smoke to go with.

Those were the good old days.  Boys played with realistic toy guns.

Off Topic Discussion / Where is Joe Biden?
« on: August 09, 2024, 12:37:40 PM »
Have you noticed Biden has pretty much disappeared from the headlines ever since the soft coup by Heels Up Harris?

Curio & Relic / No sub forum for black powder and conversions?
« on: August 07, 2024, 10:51:27 AM »
Or do they belong in here?  The new replica conversions are not exactly C&R.

Off Topic Discussion / Ever noticed
« on: April 26, 2024, 01:01:05 PM »
There are no black goths.

All goths are white, some Asians, but those are white Asians, not brown Asians.  In fact, there are no brown goths either.

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