Author Topic: Wanna Know Why We're In Trouble - CA Ranked 43rd In Gun Ownership  (Read 1342 times)

Offline TrappedinCalifornia

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California is currently ranked 43rd in gun ownership insofar as registered guns.

The firearm ownership rate in California is 16.3%. With a registered gun rate of 10.4 per 1,000 Californians, its registered firearm rate falls in 43rd place in the nation.

Ever wondered why they think we need registration?  California has to be #1.

Of course, looked at this way, why don't they just leave us alone?!?! 

Oh... You mean we need a distraction from the budget deficit, the cost of living, mismanagement of funds... and all the other stuff?

Offline dan_eastvale

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Re: Wanna Know Why We're In Trouble - CA Ranked 43rd In Gun Ownership
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2024, 12:16:09 PM »
What does registered gun rate mean. Simply percent of people in a 1,000 that own gun?

Because it shows some states with 50+% gun ownership yet only an 18% registered ownership rate in a 1,000.

"Utah has a firearm ownership rate of 39.7%, which is 0.01% below the national average. The Beehive State’s registered gun rate is 3.4 per 1,000 residents. That small number ranks it as the second-lowest state in the country for registered gun rates."

« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 12:18:02 PM by dan_eastvale »

Offline TrappedinCalifornia

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Re: Wanna Know Why We're In Trouble - CA Ranked 43rd In Gun Ownership
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2024, 05:38:18 PM »
I think you're on the verge of getting it.

My guess is that the 'ownership rate' is an estimate, while the 'registered ownership rate' is exactly what it indicates.

Now, stop and think about the California numbers.  If California has an 'ownership rate' estimated at 16.3%, that means they are estimating 6,357,000 gun owners in California.

If they are claiming a registration rate of 10.34 per 1,000, that means a registration rate of 0.01%.

While that may 'feel' wrong, bear in mind that the 4473's only show purchase, not current possession.  The so-called 'assault weapons' registration was nearly a complete bust.  In short, while the numbers may be 'exaggerated,' it is representative of where their thinking is in terms of not knowing who has current possession.

Now, just because legal gun owners are not the primary problem, that doesn't change their thinking.  It's why they've passed laws with regard to reporting stolen/missing guns, so-called 'assault weapons,' etc.  They feel that by knowing who has the guns in their possession, they can 'control' the use of those guns.

We know that's not the case and we know that 'registration' is most likely to be met with 'Irish Democracy;' but, to them, it's about 'control.'

Offline Silence Dogood

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Re: Wanna Know Why We're In Trouble - CA Ranked 43rd In Gun Ownership
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2024, 11:58:08 PM »
If the only true registration is NFA (DROS may functionally act similarly but it is not reg.), it might explain why CA has such a low registration rate.