Firearm discussions > Handguns

P365 question

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I want one but I can't get past the Californicate LCI bastardization. The gash in the slide extending into the barrel looks problematic.  How much shiite, hot gas and unburned powder blows out of the chamber?  And on to any optic you might have on the slide?


--- Quote from: Featureless on August 08, 2024, 04:53:46 PM ---I want one but I can't get past the Californicate LCI bastardization. The gash in the slide extending into the barrel looks problematic.  How much shiite, hot gas and unburned powder blows out of the chamber?  And on to any optic you might have on the slide?

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Cause "hot gas and unburned powder" doesn't blow out of the chamber of any gun without a CLI/LCI ::)

If it bothers you, just get a non-CA slide. Also, note that until recently, standard P365 barrels all had the same exact CLI/LCI cut in the barrel. Most of the off-roster Sigs have the same exact cut in the barrel. I think the newest off-roster P365s no longer include the CLI/LCI cut in the barrel as standard.

I don't notice any powder residue on the optic of my X-macro with a barrel that has the CLI/LCI cut. But I imagine if you shoot enough rounds you'll eventually get some residue on the optic, that would be the same for any gun regardless of if it has a CLI/LCI or not.

That's good information, thank you.  I considered a new slide and barrel, when I looked at the Sig website I did notice the standard barrel had a notch cut into it.  But it's too pricey and if I ever had to use the weapon to defend myself, I'd be in the hot seat when it's discovered I "modified" it.  ::)  I'll pass on the purchase of the "CA compliant" model and keep an eye out for the real deal off roster. I absolutely cannot tolerate the bastardization the bastards in Excremento impose on firearms.  They can go piss up a rope. 

If you just don't like the white-lettered billboard, you can either blacken them out, try removing it, replace the optics plate with a free state one, or mount a red dot.  I have several pistols with loaded chamber indicators in the same location, ca spec and non-ca spec, and have never experienced blowback or any other issues.

I have more issues with the external safety than the LCI


--- Quote from: kenl on August 24, 2024, 06:22:24 AM ---If you just don't like the white-lettered billboard, you can either blacken them out, try removing it, replace the optics plate with a free state one, or mount a red dot.  I have several pistols with loaded chamber indicators in the same location, ca spec and non-ca spec, and have never experienced blowback or any other issues.

--- End quote ---

wife has p226 mk25 (ca compliant) and no problem with lci and barrel slit blowback.


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