Administration > Server Move and Outage Reports
Update 8/11/24
I am incredibly F*CKING frustrated with this software!!
The home page (Main forum page) is coming back blank but if I append something to the url like 'memberlist' it shows fine.
I can edit other pages, view them, etc. with no problem but if I touch the main page to view, try to edit, whatever it's blank.
I have tried several tings, all reversible, to no avail so I decided to reload the forum on to the server.
When running the upgrade I got a notice that I'm running 6.0.6 and 6.0.5 and to pick one to upgrade from/to.
I can select 'Edit Site' but cannot make any changes, the drop downs don't load.
I still cannot load the home page but can see other pages such as memberlist and profile.
However I am not allowed to view my profile : That action could not be completed. Please try again, and if this occurs again please contact the system administrator and tell them how you got this message.
When I look at the member list I get a database error and get a similar error viewing profiles in the Admin Panel.
I'm still fighting this daily and WILL get it figured out.
Sounds infuriating. Thanks for your hard work. Persevere
Dang what a pain in the arse. I'm studying networking but I am at a blank what would cause this. The gynormous amount of data in the database is probably part of the problem. Databases don't like to lose data since it's their job to retain it. And sometimes the effort to move data is resisted because of it.
Silence Dogood:
Many thanks for your efforts and for this update. I had faith in you from the beginning (see my guess in the How Long Will It Take thread in OT) and I still do.
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