Administration > Server Move and Outage Reports

calguna down again

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--- Quote from: TheGood on September 14, 2024, 06:42:20 PM ---Give it a little more time Kes will get it fixed.  Patience is a virtue...

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Whomever said that quote never used Calguns!


--- Quote from: LindenBruce on September 15, 2024, 07:23:09 PM ---Still not working this evening.  Is it a server hardware issue or denial of service attacks?  B.

--- End quote ---

We (users) don't know yet.  Seems to be sporadic but also times (before 8AM and after 11PM PDT) that it seems to run flawlessly/fast.  Still unknown whether it's a server bandwidth problem/hardware problem or it's something in the software (bug or hack).

with me it is I can't get on , some time it can take a hour

Still  not  able to open


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