Administration > Server Move and Outage Reports

calguna down again

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It worked okay for me earlier today with relatively good speed. It had the occasional lag but not as bad as it has been. Now, I can't even login.

Eat Dirt:

--- Quote from: ZirconJohn on September 06, 2024, 10:48:02 AM ---Here we go again ... and again again  :'(

--- End quote ---

Needs more Duct Tape and bailing wire !!!!!


--- Quote from: Eat Dirt on September 06, 2024, 08:44:44 PM ---
--- Quote from: ZirconJohn on September 06, 2024, 10:48:02 AM ---Here we go again ... and again again  :'(

--- End quote ---

Needs more Duct Tape and bailing wire !!!!!

--- End quote ---

You forgot the chewing gum.

I was in earlier but it's been about two hours and all I get is the 504 error.  I am sad.  No Calguns love for me.  *sniff*


--- Quote from: L84Cabo on September 06, 2024, 10:50:44 PM ---I was in earlier but it's been about two hours and all I get is the 504 error.  I am sad.  No Calguns love for me.  *sniff*

--- End quote ---

It was working great for about 30 minutes.  Now 504.  I'm a very patient guy but its even testing my patience.  C'mon Kes....2 years?  I can understand holding off upgrading vB to keep the iTrader folks happy but man.....its becoming frustrating!  Constant zippy then zippo.......


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