Administration > Server Move and Outage Reports

Welcome Back .Org

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Just a welcoming to .Org. albeit it's "vacation" was poorly timed, considering .Nets situation.

Now those that are into bouncy things should be pleased. :)


Welcome back .org! Awesome! Fast as lightning too!    8)

it's alive!!!!!! yay!

Yup, .org is working again.  But I'm really beginning to wonder if .org and .net are long for this planet.  You don't see many postings here on .org recently, not even any smitting or bouncing boobie competitions.  It can't be everyone is over on .net because its not even close to running properly, time outs, pages locking up, features not working.  You go to open .net and its just hit or miss, a pain and a chore.  Get it to work for a couple hours, then spend another couple hours trying to open it up.  The good will built up over 2 decades, how much longer will that continue?  Will the core group that kept .net up and running finally walk away?

Smiting and boobies!  :D


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