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I thought the accepted term around here was "bewbs".
--- Quote from: kyle1886 on October 09, 2024, 01:02:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: swalt on October 09, 2024, 10:40:08 AM ---Yup, .org is working again. But I'm really beginning to wonder if .org and .net are long for this planet. You don't see many postings here on .org recently, not even any smitting or bouncing boobie competitions. It can't be everyone is over on .net because its not even close to running properly, time outs, pages locking up, features not working. You go to open .net and its just hit or miss, a pain and a chore. Get it to work for a couple hours, then spend another couple hours trying to open it up. The good will built up over 2 decades, how much longer will that continue? Will the core group that kept .net up and running finally walk away?
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I think .Net will survive if, and that's a big IF it gets up and running before years end, or shortly after. The new site with a similar name may get some of the buyers and sellers but for general gossip, news, and of course 2A related topics both national and local, Calguns is the go to site.
There is also a certain amount of camaraderie overall with many long time members. Of course some will leave for the new site, but I think for unrelated marketplace items but for news and info, Calguns will see some play between both sites.
I'm neither a buyer/seller so Calgun suits my needs...when it works. The last couple of years has been trying, and a lack of communication adds to the frustration.
Maybe soon...
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The guy who runs the 'other site' definitively states he doesn't want an Off Topic on that site. If I remember correctly, he said that if he ultimately did, it would be much stricter. Thus, A LOT of the general 'gossip' and 'news' isn't going to be there. Part of that has to do with the owner of the 'other site' having different tastes and tolerances.
I know that several from Calguns have been trying to introduce more 2nd Amendment discourse related to litigation, etc.; but, I don't get the impression they've been that successful up to this point.
Initially, it was touted as a replacement for iTrader. Now, he's pushing it as a site for those interested in 2nd Amendment enthusiasts. He's declared it's not about competition; but, given the near carbon copy layout and the segue for its declared mission, it does raise questions. Certainly, a number of members on both sites see it as competition and I'm a little leery of Kestryll's reluctance to engage this guy. After all, at one point, he did propose a 'buy out.' So....???
I think the camaraderie, as you say, is a real thing. But, I suspect that's part of what we're seeing. "Groups" tend to form and loyalties often tend to gravitate to the 'group' rather than the 'whole.' Such gravitational forces exert even more attraction when the 'whole' isn't well. Many, many organizations undergo such 'winnowing' times where segments break off and pursue a venue more akin to their, specific agenda or 'style.'
As I've said, Kestryll not posting regular updates hasn't bothered me all that much. First, because he may not have anything 'new' or 'definitive' to add. Second, no matter what he posts, he's going to be met by a chorus of... sell it, do something, this site is dying, let so-and-so in where the bread is made to see if they can help, do this, do that, etc. All I really want to know is whether actual progress is being made or if other options are now being looked at in a more 'serious' manner. Otherwise, there's nothing I can do to help and, silence or daily updates aside, if the site isn't going to actually perform, what difference does it make on a practical level?
Like you, I've allotted a bit more time, say another 2 - 4 months, for the site to work consistently, in the main. Niceties which allow for a more 'personalized' experience will likely take more time and I'm fine with that so long as the primary accessibility is consistently functional. If it's not after that period, I'll revisit old 'hobbies' and find new things to do; checking in periodically to see if the situation has improved. As I've said, I have no desire to pursue other digs and I don't appear to be a part of 'the group' which is mostly active on the 'other site.'
But, then again, I guess I'm 'ruining the site' and 'driving members away' with my 'spin.' (Ahem.) At least that's the opinion of those who've already, apparently, given up and/or want to see changes made to the site more consistent with their 'agenda' or 'style.' So, what do I know? ;)
.Net seems about dead. Poor performance at best and offline most of the time. When it works, it
.net Seems to be offline all day but in the late evenings and early morning it works decently.
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