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An Update (Of Sorts)... Maybe... About What's Happening

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--- Quote from: TheGood on November 03, 2024, 10:31:15 PM ---Utter BS IMO.  DJUSA made promises that he's not keeping, meanwhile Kes is getting thrown under the bus.

--- End quote ---

Settle down.  He never promised to fix things... 'instantly.'

As I just replied to you on the other thread, their 'best guess' is that it's going to involve more than pushing a few keys; e.g., a potential redesign of how the system is hosted, more servers, etc.  That means time and money; both of which are not in abundance.  Go back and read the post again.  It sounds like a coordination issue in terms of getting schedules to jibe so as to discuss what will be involved.  Then it will be up to Kestryll as to whether he's willing to pursue that potentiality, including coming up with more money, acquiring, and installing the servers, not to mention whatever new design they come up with.

DrJonesUSA is correct in that he's volunteered his assistance; thus, it is not his first priority, which the update also notes.  He has a business to run, a family to house and feed, etc.  So does Kestryll and even the site owner on the other site acknowledges that these sites are 'not enough.'  (I suspect he's discovered it's much more of a commitment than he thought and the idea of selling it or handing it off isn't sparking as much interest as was anticipated.)  Thus, it's not necessarily Kestryll's 'first priority' in Life either.

If you go back through my posts, you'll find I've been expressing a willingness to give them another 2 - 4 months before I 'take a break' and simply spot check to see if things have been fixed.  I have no desire or intent to seek out alternatives in the mean time.  But, just as with DrJonesUSA and Kestryll, I have other priorities in Life which don't allow for endlessly trying to access and post on a site which only allows for hit and miss/maybe functionality.  Put another way, I'm loyal and have a certain level of patience; but, just like them, I also have a Life to live.


--- Quote from: TrappedinCalifornia on November 04, 2024, 01:19:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: TheGood on November 03, 2024, 10:31:15 PM ---Utter BS IMO.  DJUSA made promises that he's not keeping, meanwhile Kes is getting thrown under the bus.

--- End quote ---

Settle down.  He never promised to fix things... 'instantly.'

As I just replied to you on the other thread, their 'best guess' is that it's going to involve more than pushing a few keys; e.g., a potential redesign of how the system is hosted, more servers, etc.  That means time and money; both of which are not in abundance.  Go back and read the post again.  It sounds like a coordination issue in terms of getting schedules to jibe so as to discuss what will be involved.  Then it will be up to Kestryll as to whether he's willing to pursue that potentiality, including coming up with more money, acquiring, and installing the servers, not to mention whatever new design they come up with.

DrJonesUSA is correct in that he's volunteered his assistance; thus, it is not his first priority, which the update also notes.  He has a business to run, a family to house and feed, etc.  So does Kestryll and even the site owner on the other site acknowledges that these sites are 'not enough.'  (I suspect he's discovered it's much more of a commitment than he thought and the idea of selling it or handing it off isn't sparking as much interest as was anticipated.)  Thus, it's not necessarily Kestryll's 'first priority' in Life either.

If you go back through my posts, you'll find I've been expressing a willingness to give them another 2 - 4 months before I 'take a break' and simply spot check to see if things have been fixed.  I have no desire or intent to seek out alternatives in the mean time.  But, just as with DrJonesUSA and Kestryll, I have other priorities in Life which don't allow for endlessly trying to access and post on a site which only allows for hit and miss/maybe functionality.  Put another way, I'm loyal and have a certain level of patience; but, just like them, I also have a Life to live.

--- End quote ---

OK, yes he did volunteer his assistance, but he also sold it to us/Kes as if he'd have more than just himself working the problem, and the problems would be quickly resolved, as if he knew what problems should be addressed to get the site running fast/stable again.  Now we're getting a different 'story' that he's got life/family/work and so does Kes, so just accept our continued failure to fix .NET.

Meanwhile site performance for .NET has gotten worse, IMO.  It runs quickly when it's running but when it goes offline it's down for HOURS, not minutes.  Previously the site was sluggish but it wasn't down for large blocks of time, 20-30 minutes after it 'crashed' and it would be back up again.

My point of both replies is that DJUSA offered something that he could not deliver, and this is reflecting badly on Kes because people are screaming that it's his fault for the current state of .NET.  Yes, mistakes were obviously made during these 'transitions'.  But currently it's somewhat out of Kes' control because he's letting DJUSA take the administrative lead/control on fixing .NET, which obviously is a much bigger job than either of them expected.

I don't believe that it's a server size problem.  There's some sort of bug that causes it to crash.  It runs very fast when it first re-boots.  If it's 'traffic' related then I'd be looking at the server farm's ability to route traffic and/or why there are thousands of 'guests' and only 1-200 members logging in.  Throwing more servers at it isn't going to fix either of them.

I worked in IT a long time ago.  I had experience in the past with an application that would degrade performance if certain log files grew too large (Think gigs).  I'd have to periodically clear out those files to get the system running full steam again.

I was also wondering if there was a memory hole affecting the server side.

Another anyone looking at database performance and looking at optimizing?


--- Quote from: TheGood on November 04, 2024, 10:32:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: TrappedinCalifornia on November 04, 2024, 01:19:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: TheGood on November 03, 2024, 10:31:15 PM ---Utter BS IMO.  DJUSA made promises that he's not keeping, meanwhile Kes is getting thrown under the bus.

--- End quote ---

Settle down.  He never promised to fix things... 'instantly.'

As I just replied to you on the other thread, their 'best guess' is that it's going to involve more than pushing a few keys; e.g., a potential redesign of how the system is hosted, more servers, etc.  That means time and money; both of which are not in abundance.  Go back and read the post again.  It sounds like a coordination issue in terms of getting schedules to jibe so as to discuss what will be involved.  Then it will be up to Kestryll as to whether he's willing to pursue that potentiality, including coming up with more money, acquiring, and installing the servers, not to mention whatever new design they come up with.

DrJonesUSA is correct in that he's volunteered his assistance; thus, it is not his first priority, which the update also notes.  He has a business to run, a family to house and feed, etc.  So does Kestryll and even the site owner on the other site acknowledges that these sites are 'not enough.'  (I suspect he's discovered it's much more of a commitment than he thought and the idea of selling it or handing it off isn't sparking as much interest as was anticipated.)  Thus, it's not necessarily Kestryll's 'first priority' in Life either.

If you go back through my posts, you'll find I've been expressing a willingness to give them another 2 - 4 months before I 'take a break' and simply spot check to see if things have been fixed.  I have no desire or intent to seek out alternatives in the mean time.  But, just as with DrJonesUSA and Kestryll, I have other priorities in Life which don't allow for endlessly trying to access and post on a site which only allows for hit and miss/maybe functionality.  Put another way, I'm loyal and have a certain level of patience; but, just like them, I also have a Life to live.

--- End quote ---

OK, yes he did volunteer his assistance, but he also sold it to us/Kes as if he'd have more than just himself working the problem, and the problems would be quickly resolved, as if he knew what problems should be addressed to get the site running fast/stable again.  Now we're getting a different 'story' that he's got life/family/work and so does Kes, so just accept our continued failure to fix .NET.

Meanwhile site performance for .NET has gotten worse, IMO.  It runs quickly when it's running but when it goes offline it's down for HOURS, not minutes.  Previously the site was sluggish but it wasn't down for large blocks of time, 20-30 minutes after it 'crashed' and it would be back up again.

My point of both replies is that DJUSA offered something that he could not deliver, and this is reflecting badly on Kes because people are screaming that it's his fault for the current state of .NET.  Yes, mistakes were obviously made during these 'transitions'.  But currently it's somewhat out of Kes' control because he's letting DJUSA take the administrative lead/control on fixing .NET, which obviously is a much bigger job than either of them expected.

I don't believe that it's a server size problem.  There's some sort of bug that causes it to crash.  It runs very fast when it first re-boots.  If it's 'traffic' related then I'd be looking at the server farm's ability to route traffic and/or why there are thousands of 'guests' and only 1-200 members logging in.  Throwing more servers at it isn't going to fix either of them.

--- End quote ---

He does have a 'team,' but they aren't continuously working on the site and were never intended to.

I just went through the thread DrJonesUSA put up in mid-September.  He thought then and evidently still feels it's a resource issue.  Back in September, they were intending to do some analyses to determine if it was, in fact, a resource problem.  The only 'promise' I see in that thread is...

--- Quote from: DrjonesUSA ---...3) My team & I have been working and are still working hard & fast to find and permanently resolve the issues plaguing our beloved site...

4) Kes & I are acutely aware of how much this disruption & downtime sucks. Truly.
I'm pleased to say that there is a lot of light at the tunnel, and the end of this yucky tunnel seems quite close!
AKA: we're very close to resolving these issues!
Your patience, grace & understanding are appreciated.
Both Kes & I (as with most of you) have very busy professional & personal lives, so we are working extremely hard to get this done as quickly as possible, while not endangering our day jobs, families, etc. ...

5) Just over the past couple days, we've identified & already resolved a few issues.
For me personally, on multiple different devices & locations, the site seems WAY faster, more stable, etc. Huge improvement. Night & day better.

6) Please bear with us & be kind...
--- End quote ---

In other words, even in the thread he posted on .net he said that family and professional issues were priorities which 'outranked' work on .net.  Likewise, he did point to some improvements, which we've seen.  But, he also said to "bear with us;" the implication being that it wasn't a done deal.

While it is a bit... perplexing... that he would post his most recent update on the other site, the timbre and the message seems the same as it did in mid-September.  He was going to consult with his team and they were going to present Kestryll with an option and discuss it; i.e., evidently a resource problem is strongly suspected or has been identified.  That was a couple of weeks ago.  He did say that it's going to take money and none of us know how much Kestryll has to play with at the moment.  Likewise, we don't know what is going to be involved in terms of installing the hardware or in terms of what it is going to take to reconfigure how the site is hosted on those servers.

No where in his posts did he definitively declare that he absolutely knew what the problem and the 'fix' were.  All the way along, he's stated his 'suspicions' and that the 'team' was going to run analyses and be consulted prior to then running a potential solution by Kestryll.  (That's ignoring that 'everyone' seems to have an opinion about the problem(s) and their source; informed or not.)  Now, he did state in the OP of that thread, right at the end...

--- Quote from: DrjonesUSA ---...We're almost done fixing CalGuns...
--- End quote ---

That's a relative statement, not a definitive one akin to "it'll be up and running perfectly tomorrow."  In fact, the next day, he posted...

--- Quote from: DrjonesUSA Techs and I are increasingly suspicious that it is largely a resource and capacity issue - up until a certain number of users, It is fine, but then once you cross that threshold, the server just crumbles under the load. Again, we're still waiting for more analysis, but of course we will work to address that if that's found to be a cause.
--- End quote ---

Phrased another way... "I think I know what the problem is, but we're still waiting on analyses and if we determine it is, primarily, the problem, then we'll deal with it... provided... Kestryll has the resources and agrees to commit them to that strategy in hopes that it will be a 'solution' to the primary cause."

I see more 'hope' than definitiveness and I get the sense that he was after the primary problem, but the irritating niceties that everyone is getting worked up over (since it's those niceties which allow for a 'personalized' experience) aren't necessarily primed from complete rehabilitation.

So... When you say - "...he'd have more than just himself working the problem, and the problems would be quickly resolved, as if he knew what problems should be addressed to get the site running fast/stable again..." - you're presenting something of an interpretation which is devoid of the nuances he was also stating or which had also been presented elsewhere. 

Yes.  DrJonesUSA is working with a team and it's not just him.
Sort of.  He hoped the problems would be resolved 'quickly,' but he didn't define 'quickly.'
Sort of.  He believed (and evidently still does) that the 'primary' issue is one of resource availability.

DrJonesUSA doesn't 'own' the site.  Kestryll gets to make the final call(s) on what is done, what resources are committed, etc.  Even if Kestryll agrees, it's still going to take time to install the servers and redo how the site is hosted.  Bear in mind that the latest update I'm aware of (the one linked in the OP) has only been up for a couple of weeks, at most.  (Again, I'm not sure of the actual timing since I don't know what thread it was posted to on the other site and the image only stipulates "Thursday."  I'm not a member of that site.  So... someone who is a member there might want to consider doing some actual research and informing us.)

One thing to bear in mind about the other site, there are a good number of rather 'vocal' individuals from .net who have joined who clearly have been 'disenchanted' with Kestryll for quite some time.  There have been allusions made which don't bear repeating and 'interpretive history' presented.  (I say 'interpretive' in that, even there, some have pointed out that there is another side and other 'versions' of what has been presented.)  Unfortunately, apparently without or only minimal moderation during this period, a good amount of that has spilled over to .net threads as well.  Likewise, the owner of that site clearly has an agenda.  Whether that agenda is good, nefarious, or something in between is unknowable at this point; but, I'd be cautious taking what he says at face value given the prevalence of 'mixed messaging' in his posts on both his site and .net.

As I've stated before, it's always possible that our loyalty and faith in Kestryll has been and is misplaced.  But, what is occurring is consistent with what he's warned us about for years.  I also don't see where DrJonesUSA promised something he's not delivering; i.e., he's evidently presented what he believes is the primary problem and a possible solution.  (You've already declared that you don't agree, something which is coloring your response.)  We haven't been informed, so far as I know, as to how Kestryll is reacting to that or if the 'meeting/discussion' has even transpired yet.  Remember, DrJonesUSA wasn't just saying 'throw more servers at it.'  He said it was going to not only take more servers, but a reconfiguration of how the site is hosted.

Anyway... I guess we'll see.

You took everything I wrote out of context, TiC.  As I said before, DJUSA made promises that the site would be fixed rapidly if his team were allowed to work on it -in the beginning- then when he updated in mid-September he said it was close to being fixed (with the secondary statement that they are busy and doing it on spare time), and the most recent update post (late October), over a month later, wasn't even made to Calguns .NET or .ORG.  Nothing was said in the early going before Kes gave admin access to DJUSA that it would be done on the side and/or put on the back burner.  I realize that it was 'donated' time, and that real jobs, lives, etc will take preference but he seemed to be saying that it could still be repaired rapidly given that he had several people at his disposal to work on solving the issues, and in September (about 2 weeks after the initial restart/problems) he said a resolution to the problems would be quickly forthcoming.  I have not seen it resolved or quickly done, have you?  It's 1.5 months later and it's still down for long periods of time, with no end of it in sight, AFAIK.

Would you please unblock me from your direct messaging on this forum, TiC?  I tried sending you a message a while back and it said I was being blocked from sending to you.


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