Server Move and Outage Reports / .net just took a dumb!?!!??!
« on: January 13, 2018, 11:41:15 PM »
Anyone else mid-post when it happened? 

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WTF!?! I was just on the forum??
Okay, let me see what's going on.
Yeah, it is still November...
And yet last year "we" missed out on all the deals (like the surefire madness). This year, there wasn't anything that "we" missed, but now i'm bored. >.<
Smited for whining!
Yeah, it is still November...
50 is better than .45
You know I predicted this was going to happen back on the old Calguns.net.
I even had my own thread about it running for a while, with almost everyone to disagreeing with me, that it would ever happen given our current Disgusting state of politics in Washington dc.
The only thing I joked around about was the cost.
I said it only be $200, if anyone remembers that somewhat funny thread.
CMPs final asking price is going to be a hard number to pin down but the good news is is according to CMP's regulation people can only buy one and they have to state that they're not going to sell them for number of years.
so that might keep the hoarders and resellers off the market.
so if the price is too high (I'm going to throw out a wild guess of $900 asking price) and no one buys them after year or two...
CMP may have to lower their prices because we are talking about a large quantity of used ( & some very very used) 1911s.
And while I understand that CMP has to go through the guns and make sure they're safe but they probably won't be refinishing so how much should they really cost us knowing that we ( or taxpayers just like us) have already paid our taxes to buy them in the first place?
I want to people it CMP to pay a good wage to their gunsmiths and workers and maybe put some money away for a rainy day but I don't think they should be so high-priced to be considered that they're ripping anyone off.
I'm pretty sure some private companies or organizations could get them cleaned up and safety checked and resold for around $400 or less. considering the cost of the gun itself to their organization is minimal.
That is just my opinion, not knowing any of the insider information or actual total cost factors.
Okay, Ill share.
I made this in anticipation...
That's almost correct - although customary, and almost always the case, a PPT does not need to be with both parties *at the same time.*
The seller can visit the FFL to drop off the firearm to be transfered before the buyer visits. Caveat being that the ffl has to be willing, and that all monies for the transaction happen outside the ffl.
That's a BIG caveat!
I have never spoken to an ffl that would be willing to do a PPT unless both parties were present. I have sold 4 pistols using PPT and had to be present each time. I for one, would never give up possession of a firearm unless I had the money in hand and all of my buyers wanted to examine the firearm before parting with their money.
I have never spoken to an ffl that would be willing to do a PPT unless both parties were present.
I have done a few PPT's in this manner.
When you know the buyer/seller and the FFL and the FFL knows the buyer/seller, it's pretty easy to arrange to have the gun dropped off before the buyer shows up to do his side of the paperwork.
Technically that's a consignment sale/transfer, where FFL purchases/takes ownership of said firearm. The FFL then sells it to buyer, but this may result in higher transfer fees plus sales tax instead of the $35 PPT fee.
Cooking the turkey and stuffing right now, my dad is teaching me. will post pics for AfterActionReport.
doing thanksgiving on the wrong day just proves you're Canadian.
If you're using Safari...
If you had OT as your bookmark, hit that and wait for the page to fail to load. Then erase it down to just Calguns.net in the address bar and wait for that page to fail to load. Then hit the back button and you should see what I posted above.