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Topics - Apples

Pages: [1]

Two minutes, 44 seconds of good news!

Off Topic Discussion / Copper - 60 seconds
« on: October 25, 2024, 07:42:44 PM »

and an illuminating few factoids regarding chy-nah.

Your thoughts, gentlemen. And I use the term "gentlemen" loosely.

Off Topic Discussion / MAGA womens' rebuttal to Too Swift's lib bs
« on: September 14, 2024, 08:42:45 PM »
60 seconds of easy-on-the-eyes right thinking!

Some vid on the Post-Debate Poll Numbers... but I haven't made it that far.

I am delighted! at the first 60 seconds ALONE.

Have a look! I guarantee you will smile when watching the Libtard contingent squirm. It is beautiful.

Off Topic Discussion / Paul Harrell Update - Posted Yesterday 9/2/2024
« on: September 03, 2024, 12:17:06 PM »
"Paul's time with us [grows] short..."

3 mins, 58 secs of various recent family vid clips and an announcement at the end.

Gonna miss this guy.

Arrette - steep, bumpy, insane.

Tire spikes - equally gnarly

21 mins of full color, balls-to-the-wall, earth-shredding two-wheel action - I'm posting here after three of them lmao

Off Topic Discussion / Naval Aviation Humor
« on: August 21, 2024, 07:49:00 PM »
From the comments:


As maintainers of military jets, Marine EA-6Bs in my case, we used to mess with the brand new nuggets.  "Did you sign out the keys for the jet, Sir?  This isn't the training command.  These jets have keys like cars do."  The nugget pilot would then have to go back to Maintenance Control for the key.  Of course, MC was in on it.  We had a modified panel blank off plate that we had installed in the cockpit with a keyhole lock that sat between the pilot and ECMO-1.
 The nugget would come back out to the jet carrying the key that had an obnoxious wooden board attached to it, just like the one you would get from the gas station attendant for the restroom.  When he would insert the key and turn it, he invariably would try to figure out what to do with the wooden piece because it was now in the way and would be flopping around during the flight.  That's usually when everyone would bust out laughing. 

Comments, especially, from, as well as a watch of this two minute, seventeen-seconds "clip" are worth it.

Rifles / .30-30 + pointy bullets (single loaded) + 1620 Yards = Hits
« on: August 21, 2024, 01:05:11 PM »
Mark and Sam After Work

5 minutes, 47 secs video


2 minutes - brought to you by Sky News Australia

Check this young woman out! MAGA!

...and this makes the program led by Vice President Harris the slowest-moving Federal broadband initiative in modern history. And the reason why is... it's gotten wrapped around the DEI axle... importing DEI requirements in the process..."

"wrapped around the DEI axle". lmao. I'm gonna be using that one. A lot.  ;D

That is all (that I wanted to share), but there are four more minutes of blathering on about it.

Poor Vlad!   ;D

A nuclear-capable Russian strategic bomber aircraft prized by Vladimir Putin that cost the authoritarian

Off Topic Discussion / "IF WE... then WE CAN SAVE DEMOCRACY" -
« on: August 04, 2024, 09:24:47 PM »
Benny - "This dude must be a pharmacist, 'cuz he's passin' out red pills like CANDY."

60 seconds - [YOUTUBE]U4d4TCPhWX0?si=mM4TUl8jJWA5B1mJ[/YOUTUBE]

Off Topic Discussion / NOVICE! at Fail-ing
« on: April 20, 2024, 09:44:19 AM »
55 seconds from the brilliant Dr. Peterson

Don't raise novices like the LIBZ are wont to do.

Off Topic Discussion / WELL, HERE WE ARE!
« on: November 09, 2023, 04:56:44 PM »
Here we are! again, bugged out from the Great Server Migration down the hill and over at CGN dot NET.

How's all y'awlz doin'.

I seek to bear arms! I seek to use these arms OFFENSIVELY! (unlike in the real world)

I must! SMITE!  :P

Shotguns / Remington 1100 done in Texas tactical
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:03:01 AM »

I found a nice, little-used Remington 1100 made in the early 1980s wearing a 22" smoothbore, rifle-sights slug barrel. A short time later I stumbled upon a you tube vid posted by a Texas 3-gun champ who used a wood-furniture 1100 against competition shouldering black, tactical shotguns. His only modifications were simple ones, supporting what is fundamentally a great semiauto design. I liked what I saw and decided to use most of his mods, except the side saddle, on mine. I'd rather try double-loading from a belt clip...

The changes I made are a combat bolt handle, a Dave's Metal Works "Easy Loader" (which requires a wee bit O' smithin' to install properly) and a Remington 2-shot magazine extension. I like to call it "Texas tactical". Yeehaw...

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