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Messages - NorcalEnthusiast (NCE)

Pages: [1]
7472 if you have to put it in manually.

Thanks guys.

Uh no, you have 13 post, noob.

Handguns / Re: How many Handguns do you own?
« on: April 24, 2024, 09:48:37 AM »
I used to have a few and now that I minimized... down to a C9 and ten loaded mags.

Handguns / Re: 1911 is better than Glock
« on: April 24, 2024, 09:46:33 AM »
 8) GLocks are better than any gun ever invented.  They are superb and fantastically engineered to a level of perfection never seen before, everyone thinks so.

1911's are fun at the range and jam a a lot.  If you take one to the range make sure to bring your gunsmith with you, and a full set of tools and a dremel.

Handguns / Re: Handguns to stash away around the house?
« on: April 24, 2024, 09:43:07 AM »
I think the answer is still gen3 Glocks everywhere... I have enough G17's to do that, but for some reason I have different models everywhere... two are G17RTF and one is a G22C though.  I like a 30S in the kitchen.  If you love those PSA's you could just buy a $120 slide and build it up or whatever they cost... and slap it on your gen3.

What are the hot new roster guns now?  P320's, XDM's and VP9's?  I guess we don't have it that bad right now.

 8)  Calgun is down right... it is not just me? 

Not the best time to mention this but I like


Server Move and Outage Reports / Re: 3/4/16 9:10am pages not loading
« on: March 04, 2016, 09:43:01 AM »
Hiyo.  NCE/Crufflers here :)

I'm not checking back here ever.

Rifles / Re: PSA PA-10
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:42:38 PM »
PICS!... Or it didn't happen  :D

It happened :)  Here's a pic before I go back to the .net forum.  Glad it is almost back!  See you over there.

Handguns / Re: XD 9mm 5"
« on: November 27, 2015, 12:00:13 PM »
In a compact, they look like a double-decker butter stick or two CZ slides.  Shoot great.  Stock trigger is fine.  If you ever move to a free state you can get 18 round MecGars.

Handguns / Re: Handguns to stash away around the house?
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:58:12 AM »
I am installing a quick access lock station for my pump shotgun too... as soon as I decide where to put it.  Something like this unless I find something better.

Handguns / Re: Handguns to stash away around the house?
« on: November 26, 2015, 08:31:58 PM »
Long ago, I used to keep a 12 gauge pump in the corner of the front room on the side of a tall book shelf, and most rooms had loaded handguns on high shelves where I knew they were even if I could not see them I could reach them.  These days I just have lock boxes around and the big safe plus whatever I might be carrying.  There aren't many ways to be cut off from access.  There are no guarantees, but it is better than nothing.

Rugers, Glocks, CZ's, but mostly Glocks, Mossberg.

Handguns / Re: What do you have in jail?
« on: November 25, 2015, 07:19:55 PM »
I jailed a CZ SP-01 yesterday.  Only my second CZ, though I have some clones.  Around $600 for a gun like that is a great deal... good trigger, steel frame, railed, steel night sights, accurate, on-roster, etc... 

Handguns / Re: 1911 is better than Glock
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:56:12 AM »
My Glock 30 hold more rounds in the clip and is more modern in every way.  The 1911 is just too old, I think we can all agree.

I have bought and also transfered a few at pawn shops.  I used to use a pawn shop in Roseville to get all my cool Makarovs, etc...  I bought a POS Walther P22 at a Bait and Tackle shop once :)  I remember browsing AR-15's etc... back in the good ole days at BIG R Ranch and Home, but never bought anything.  Bought a few at BIG 5 too.

Rifles / PSA PA-10
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:35:39 AM »
I just finished up my 6-8 month PA-10 build :)  I had one of those complete uppers that were available for $360 shipped on a shelf forever.  I had not even cut the ziptie to check out the BCG.  I finally got a complete lower for $230 shipped and smacked them together.  Threw on a rear MBUS and a new handguard and called it good.  Looks like a decent budget gun for around $590+40+30+20 (mag).  Bolt looks good, and doesn't seem to have any issues with extractor or springs sticking.  The chamber is good.  Anyone have a review or comments on a total budget PA-10 build like this?  I'll have more if I ever shoot it :)

Handguns / Re: XD 9mm 5"
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:26:30 AM »
I'm liking my XD9 4".  I wouldn't mind getting the 5" but I think next up is an CZ SP-01.

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