This won't be considered a traditional handgun but given the extensive drone warfare going on around the world, especially in the Ukraine theater, I'll make a wild guess and predict a small handheld anti drone handgun.
I've seen the shooting rifles at drones and it is not effective and sometimes the distance is too far for traditional shotgun rounds so imagine a multi-barrel handgun that each soldier could launch a radio frequency tracking missile /rocket.
Maybe like the old double barrel flare guns of world war II because it's going to have to be big enough caliber/bore to contain a rocket / missile with our current or soon to be future tracking circuit technology.
You're not going to be able to do that within 9 mm or even a 7.62x39 rifle round at this time.
And I think soldiers on either side wouldn't want to give up their primary rifle that they're using to fight the human enemy just to fight the drones they might encounter with a specialized long gun just for that purpose.
But maybe if they could put something the size of a large pistol on their belt that they could shoot up at any drones I think they
would happily take on the additional weight, even if it wasn't 100% effective, and the drone operators would probably wouldn't want their drone to be wasted so they Might fly their drone elsewhere.
Maybe something that's a 12 gauge or similar diameter might give enough room to put some high-tech tracking systems on a rocket with directional fins or exhaust.
Of course this is just far fetched thinking when considering what might come next for handheld / handgun weapons.
And then when the drone wars are all over because that technology becomes perfected with a very high kill rate... People who live in the free States of America could buy them on the surplus market
minus the missiles of course.
But companies like the people who make dragons breath 12 gauge shotgun rounds will make 4th of July rockets to shoot out of them.