I got on .net, briefly, this morning. Got one post done, was working on a second post and... vapor lock.
What's interesting is how many are taking the owner of the 'other site' to task for what I observed in this thread earlier. I thought about posting a reply, then I realized it's not necessarily needed in terms of replying to him there. However, I thought I might post it here so as to give us all a little perspective. Think of it in terms of how we 'lament' about .net and how those lamentations are being used against us, Kestryll, and the perceived future of .net.
I'll phrase it as a reply to him so no one is 'confused.'
Look at this page, you guys pretty much have nothing else to talk about other than me. The more you guys resist, the more childish you guys look.
What you guys really need to be concerned about is this number dropping. At some point, the juice isn't going to be worth the squeeze. Especially lately with the site being down days at a time, there's going to be a dramatic fall off coming up. You should be more concerned about the lack of updates and what you're going to do.
Keep hanging on guys. I'm glad with the work I'm doing along with the growing number of users.
I believe I mentioned that I and several others weren't your problem. I also believe I mentioned that you had unrealistic expectations in terms of what you've been attempting to put together over there. If you want us to look at something, don't point to what most of us note everyday. Look at what you're attempting to do vs. what you claim to be attempting to do.
From the beginning, I've pointed out the 'mixed messaging' you keep sending and it continues. The problem you have is that your 'guerrilla marketing' has pretty much reached saturation point on this site and the pushback has truly begun. You've reached that juncture where the negative advertising you keep doing about the membership here and how no one is heeding your sage wisdom is no longer becoming tolerable to those who remain. As an example, you've even tried to 'hide' it (to a degree) on your own site...
Yeah, that's going to happen. I wouldn't take them too seriously. They're just upset and need a villain since their protagonist is missing while they hold the fort.
The issue as mentioned i think is cache poisoning. The application just needs to be restarted regularly and it'll work. It's a quick workaround that can get people by but for whatever reason is being ignored. But like they like to say, No reply is a reply.
C'mon. The no reply is a reply is the line I've repeatedly used with you. However, it's not necessarily applicable in the context you're using it. The 'quick workaround' you herald doesn't seem to work for more than a couple of hours if that's what's actually being done. Which means it's not truly a workaround or any kind of pragmatic 'solution' to whatever the problem actually is... again... if that's what's actually being done.
Something else I've pointed out to you is that you aren't a martyr. You're especially not a 'hero' when Kestryll should be seen as a 'villain' to us. Neither is Kestryll our 'protagonist.' The problems with the system are. Once again, you're attempting to spin what is happening and while it is a spin that is popular fodder on your site and, perhaps, with Reddit users, it ain't all that popular here with those continuing to actively post. But, that's the point. What works on your site isn't likely to play well elsewhere and, especially, here.
Attempting to shift the blame is a popular strategy; but, we've now had time to see what you're offering, what you allow on your site vs. what you claim to desire, who you support as a 'boogeyman,' and who you tout as 'soyboys,' among various other appellations ascribed by your followers/minions/supporters. You've allow doxxing and casting of aspersions on members here who haven't even joined your site; thus, with no chance to 'defend' themselves. In many respects, as I have warned you, you have just as much an 'hate fest' on your site as anything that happens here. Are they more 'polite' about it? Perhaps. But, that doesn't make it any less vitriolic or spiteful. Is it 'truth?' Most have no way of knowing and since it comes down to opinion in many cases, who's to say where 'truth' stops and the other starts?
It's just like what you took offense to. Blame the user, not the gun is boilerplate advice here. It was personal for you. We get that. Many, many of us have our own experiences with violence in one form or another. Would your experience have been any better if a crowbar had been used or a 2" x 4" or a car or a screwdriver or... any of myriad other implements rather than a gun? Who knows what the outcome would have been. But, that's why it's boilerplate advice. It's why a line from
Conan the Barbarian movie resonates with many here: "What is steel compared to the hand which wields it?" A gun is simply a tool. Whether that tool is used for constructive or destructive ends depends on who is on the trigger and the context of the situation. While it may be difficult to see in a given situation, at least for a period of time, don't expect that 'everyone' will have difficulty in ascribing blame where blame is due. All you're doing is creating concern that you may support what many here consider to be improperly restrictive limitations on a right based on your personal experience.
You see, most of us 'old fogeys' grew up in a different era and with a much greater latitude of freedom than most are accustomed to today. Such is especially true among those who grew up in and/or had access to more rural regions than those who came to maturity in more urbanized settings. Does that mean we can't adapt? No. But, it does mean we're more resistant to being forced to adapt, with an even greater level of resistance to being forced to adapt to oblige someone else's 'feelings.' Many of us have watched official ranges closed so that those occupying homes more recently built than the range could experience a 'safe space.' We've watched our rights slowly eaten away to accommodate the thought that it is 'safer' not to have guns around, then watch as violence with other implements, tools, and actual weapons are used to perpetrate the crimes while nothing is left for the victims to use to 'even the playing field' as Samuel Colt alluded to.
Don't like someone telling you what you experienced? Then don't presume to dictate how we should feel. Want a 'safe space?' Find or build one, but don't invite everyone in as you will assuredly find someone you or others feel 'threaten' it. Need to practice selective access? Then remember what happened in
The Twilight Zone episode "The Shelter," chaos ensued.
That's one of the advantages and disadvantages of being an 'old fogey.' We've experienced Life and have perspective. Does that mean we have more 'truth' than the younger crowd? No. But, it does mean we likely have greater perspective in terms of viewing and adhering to 'truths.'
I get the need to blow off some steam and temper the frustrations. I've even engaged in it. But, let's be careful in terms of how far we take it. A momentary 'truth' is still a 'truth,' but not necessarily a 'long-lasting' one. As I've said, if our loyalty and trust in Kestryll is misplaced, we'll know soon enough. I don't necessarily think 'everyone' from .net who joins the 'other site' is, by default, an 'enemy' or a 'competitor' or a 'traitor.' I believe that most of them are simply looking for a place they can actively participate, even if it's just to read posts. I also believe the other site isn't what it's claimed to be and isn't going to become what some want it to be or what many hope it will be. But, they have every right to try to build it; be it as a 'safe space' or just as a 'place to hang out.'
What it's not going to be is a place about the 2nd Amendment as that is more than just about 'guns.' It's about 'arms' and, specifically, 'bearable arms.' It's about the politics which surround it. Those politics are about personal experiences and the personal experiences are not limited to or dictated by a committee of one.
The same holds true in terms of what is required to 'fix' the site and how much time it's going to take. What we each have to determine is how much time each of us is going to allow for until we each determine our time is better spent actively pursuing other alternatives; be it other websites, other activities, et al. What we're reacting to with the 'other site's' owner is that he's attempting to tell us and/or lead us to a determination which ultimately benefits him. What we should be focused on is what benefits ourselves and what benefits the community, however we define 'community.'